Unknown author (2006-11-29 00:00:00):
Kl. Unknown author (2006-11-29 00:00:00):
Pretty neat. RuneScape ones are better. Unknown author (2006-12-11 00:00:00):
pretty neat. RuneScape one are better. Unknown author (2006-12-18 00:00:00):
no. Rainbow ones are better it looks like primary. Unknown author (2007-03-04 00:00:00):
Really good and very well detailed. Unknown author (2007-03-21 00:00:00):
RuNeScApE CuRsOrS r BeTtEr!! Tubby (2007-10-06 00:00:00):
Amazing! Unknown author (2007-12-02 00:00:00):
i dont thik it matters which r better. :P Club559 (2008-03-19 00:00:00):
call that blue Unknown author (2008-06-04 00:00:00):
nah these r the best rainbows r cool Unknown author (2008-06-04 00:00:00):
add the alt select, all the resizes, and the handwriting Unknown author (2008-06-05 00:00:00):
and club u didnt even dwnld it cuz then u'd no if it wuz rainbow wich it iz. Unknown author (2008-08-01 00:00:00):
runescape ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2009-01-31 14:46:25):
I have no idea what yall are talking about but all these pointers suck. I couldnt even find one that I liked! Unknown author (2009-07-16 04:33:02):
These are not blue, they just look blue when you look at them. These actually are good cursors! In fact, I just made a cursor set of them! Whoever says these are blue, I am going to get mad! Unknown author (2009-07-20 09:38:17):
These are great! Unknown author (2009-07-31 06:35:51):
these suck Unknown author (2009-12-03 17:34:49):
These are not rainbow coloured! They are just blue koby_elian2000 (2011-08-24 23:07:32):
they are rainbow coloured. You just can't see the animation... Unknown author (2011-12-20 07:59:05):
raaaaaainboooow i want raaaaaaainbooooooow cursor that can be seen. Not these......... Anyway, these cursors are not bad too. Maybe not my cup of tea. Matias0211 (2012-04-02 07:52:25 / 3.5 stars):
Raaaaaainboooooooooow ... I see rainbow's cursors everywhere :P and ALL of them are awesome and these aren't the exception!. Ok, i'm sure that you don't understand me, because my english is poor ... my native languaje is español, so excuse me! I'll give you 3,5 stars! Unknown author (2012-04-09 19:21:22):
play dreamscape on game puma ................ if you dare SYNTHCRѺ (2012-07-27 03:34:59 / 3.5 stars):
Well . . . Its colorful and animated, but the set isn't compleat so . . . 3.5 stars is a good rating. -SYNTHCRO Unknown author (2012-09-29 05:09:44):
um theses arent very good no offence to who ever made them. im just not a big fan Unknown author (2012-12-10 17:34:30):
nice MariaPiu (2013-03-04 22:28:07 / 5 stars):
Hi! They are pretty cool! These cursors you created are colorful and I really like it! I don't really care if you dindn't make the handwrinting select and the alternate select! Although nobody uses those s* there's always someone to complain about them! Now ask them what they are for! They don't know it! Funny isn't it? Only one thing: the precison select seems to have its hotspot off. thekittyperson (2013-03-06 00:09:47 / 4.5 stars):
I like them. Precision select is only thing I don't like. Unknown author (2013-04-05 03:14:16):
i like them girly (2013-07-30 01:18:45 / 4.5 stars):
Unknown author (2015-08-01 04:40:56):
gud MinecraftGirl1227 (2016-02-15 16:36:14 / 4.5 stars):
These are cool, and all that needs to be fixed is the precision, hotspot is off. nibbler (2016-11-09 15:16:25 / 3.5 stars):
Nice animation, but this isn't a complete set. Firestar_Pusheen (2017-02-20 20:54:30 / 4 stars):
This is a nice set in all, but it is not complete. Unknown author (2019-04-15 21:57:47):
great cursor :I snickerdoodle (2019-11-14 21:35:29 / 3.5 stars):
i love these and the colors are SO cool but you are missing the handwriting, alternate, and resize cursors. additionally, the precision and unavailable cursors have their hot spots in the wrong places C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-21 00:40:36 / 4 stars):
i like these cursors a lot, please make the handwriting, alternate, and resize cursors like the other people say. fix the precision and unavailable hot spots please Flower (2019-11-21 02:31:53 / 4.5 stars):
aww I love the colors so much! this set is so cool! the hot spots for some of them can be fixed though because they're in the wrong place. these colors are amazing! please add more! Unknown author (2020-02-05 17:44:30):
amazing..... amazing.......... Unknown author (2020-05-20 17:03:45):
nice Unknown author (2020-08-26 14:38:42):
lgl PORRA Unknown author (2020-10-17 11:52:15):
i LOVE it Unknown author (2021-01-26 14:30:15):
good Unknown author (2021-02-28 13:17:51):
ok~~ It sounds good. Unknown author (2021-03-21 04:28:39):
Unknown author (2021-11-20 13:35:17):
TOOO BAD Unknown author (2022-04-06 19:38:54):
8-)good Unknown author (2024-01-15 17:31:05):
much good Unknown author (2024-07-27 10:58:19):
supercool Unknown author (2024-08-13 02:18:16):
niggas are bad and gay Unknown author (2024-08-14 11:56:41):
nice best
who said gay Unknown author (2024-09-18 19:11:19):
omg gyatt Miguel (2024-12-06 21:07:20 / 4.5 stars):
this is incredible, but why is it unfinished? |