Unknown author (2011-10-30 18:46:36):
Thank you for the nice set jojois74 (2011-10-30 19:57:11 / 4 stars):
They are good, but the busy ones have messed up hotspots. They will not work well. That is my only suggestion. JDDellGuy (2011-10-31 03:23:41):
Jojo, the busy hotspot is actually fine. If you look, you will see the little crosshair that specifies where the hotspot is is always at the end of the cursor and does not move around the cursor. The site has an issue with some cursors and doesn't display their animations properly is all. Cameron (2011-10-31 10:18:03 / 5 stars):
ram you smell mate Unknown author (2011-10-31 10:23:06):
ram is a smelly stinky brown virgin ram (2011-10-31 10:24:38):
Cameron get back to your work!!! Just because you are incapable of creating such greatness!! lol Cameron (2011-10-31 10:44:12):
im sorry but when have i ever done work your the virgin in this situation Cameron (2011-10-31 15:07:31):
i quite like the normal select on this one have downloaded this and will give this 5/5 cos your a decent guy ram Ricon (2011-10-31 21:59:38 / 3.5 stars):
Great job. jojois74 (2011-11-01 01:16:04):
JDDellGuy, I was unaware of this. Sorry. Thank you for pointing that out. Also, however, the hotspot on the other busy cursor is at the top left. (That's why I said busy cursor*s*). ZeloZelos (2011-11-01 20:15:04 / 4 stars):
Pretty Kewl! lookin good! how did you get the hotspot to animate along with the point on the Gold-orb-alt-alt? I didnt know that was even possible. Rinfo (2011-11-12 00:59:42 / 3.5 stars):
They are blurry when you animate. "Great job. "Jojo, the busy hotspot is actually fine. If you look, you will see the little crosshair that specifies where the hotspot is is always at the end of the cursor and does not move around the cursor. The site has an issue with some cursors and doesn't display their animations properly is all." These are two very definite quotations. Unknown author (2023-03-20 15:34:46):
It is wonderful!!! Thank you!!! |