Destiny (2013-03-18 11:35:12 / 5 stars):
me gustannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn xD deadly bro (2013-03-20 16:10:11 / 5 stars):
hey nice set though i can't see what is the difference between the first set and this set anyway same as the first set Unknown author (2013-03-21 03:16:08):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-21 04:09:21):
Thanks - Gracias cdl (2013-03-25 14:58:14 / 4.5 stars):
Why do you not offer credit to the author of the image. This image appears in more than half a dozen images in Google search. You have acted dishonorably in the past and have been dishonest in claims of creating what you have not. This makes it harder for people to discern whether you are doing the same again. I feel I must withdraw my previous rating of this set. Thank you for removing the content you did not create from those other sets. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-26 09:39:53):
deleted the set and finish the problem please Unknown author (2013-05-05 18:54:52):
some problems with alternate and other but is cutie ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-10-12 09:22:24):
done panshycustomize FAN (2013-10-16 09:37:19 / 5 stars):
lindos me gusta el del link Juan Bando (2013-10-16 10:04:04 / 5 stars):
gracias por arreglar los puntos de acceso Little Girl Li (2013-10-16 10:27:30 / 5 stars):
butterfly 2013 (2013-10-16 10:46:49 / 5 stars):
sirve para niñas tambien cdl (2013-10-29 10:56:57):
I have adjusted the rating of this set as you have attempted to correct problems with the set. Google did not create the image(s). Thanks for the effort. Many people still do not understand how search engines work. None of the images you find through any search engine, (Google, Bing, Yahoo Search, WebCrawler, Ask, DogPile, Lycos, Excite,, or others), is owned by the search engine company. The images are the results of a web search of all websites on the internet and are the property of those respective websites. The search engine is just helping you to find the images and does not condone your use of any images you find with the search engine results. You cannot list a search engine as an image author nor attribute credit to such a search engine as being the creator or owner of an image found through search results. Search engines do not create images, they merely assist you in finding them. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-15 16:21:03):
How to dowload DOWNLOAD YOUR FAVORITE BELOW ONE FOR ONE Para que los cursores se queden en tu pc aunque la apagues o reinicies debes bajar este programa: PARA DESCARGAR LOS CURSORES AQUI UN UN BLOG EXPLICANDOTE MEJOR Dudas de como subir cursores a esta página? aqui un video Request in my facebook page or here: You cannot see all the cursor's when are installed, because are have a diferent role. (you can see the normal one) Es un set para todos los roles del cursor para solo instalar solo el de normal select puedes descargar el que te guste, este pack contiene un cursor para cada rol, ademas tengo mas en mi galeria podrias pasar a verlos o ver los de los demas en la página, en mi gusto personal a mi si me gustan y los comparto por si a alguien mas les gusta, no a todos le tiene que gustar lo mismo que a mi icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image Si no conoces los roles de cada cursor te invito a aprender si deseas yo te enseño 80Mb (2018-12-12 19:39:50 / 5 stars):
I love the creativity of your Domo cursors. I completely forgot about Domo until now. The ani's are fantastic and I will definitely be using this pack or your cute pack. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-01-26 00:40:04):
Thanks you so much baby (2022-05-06 04:10:13 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2022-12-22 04:06:16):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-12-22 09:17:46):
Unknown author (2023-01-24 06:43:03):
this is so cute am using it rn ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-01-31 04:54:11):
tysm |