Mckeegan1 (2009-06-28 22:20:19):
Please give me ideas for more cursors sixλxis (2009-06-29 01:04:17 / 4 stars):
why are they all so blurry? Mckeegan1 (2009-06-29 10:42:08):
The cursor is animated, the blur is the glow. Unknown author (2009-06-29 21:49:23):
Mabery you can Mckeegan1 (2009-06-29 22:54:47):
? Daniel W. (2009-06-30 04:32:52):
Nice job! Mckeegan1 (2009-06-30 17:14:12):
Thanks, it's my first set sixλxis (2009-10-22 19:21:09):
Vlasta updated the site so you can see the animation now. it looks as though a few of your cursors have frames with the hotspot somewhere else. :-/ sixλxis (2009-10-22 19:22:07):
Fix Them and ill improve your rating. Unknown author (2010-11-18 17:28:38):
awsome cursers koby_elian2000 (2011-09-01 01:22:23):
You're right sixAxis! Ricon (2011-11-09 00:05:05 / 0.5 stars):
I hate move. snickerdoodle (2019-11-21 00:14:45 / 2.5 stars):
the unavailable cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place, you might want to fix that to make the set look better even though it doesn't really matter too much because it's the unavailable role. same for the busy cursor. I like the color but the cursors are pretty blurry too, i'm not sure why. Unknown author (2024-08-08 12:15:54):
red egs gesuing yesuning yesouing
yesuing yesiuing gi gidoingou kimjie |