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RIDDLER (2018-04-09 03:52:51):

Black cursors sets are one of people's favourites. I have created a large set.

Bob the builder (2018-04-09 18:47:52 / 4 stars):


RIDDLER (2018-04-09 21:21:46):

Thanks for rating. You can also rate my other cursor sets as well.

CRu1212 (2018-04-13 06:08:33):

Yo that is so lit bro good kip it up :-D

RIDDLER (2018-04-13 20:03:13):

Thanks. I always keep it up with the good work. Please don't forget to browse through my library of cursor sets. :-)

Unknown author (2019-05-06 17:14:50):

I can't find the .ini file in the rar file...
Please help... Or could anyone tell me any alternative for .ini files...

Unknown author (2019-11-09 23:13:44):

Go to downloads, your welcome.

RIDDLER (2019-11-10 00:33:59):

Just download the full set. I am not sure if there is an .ini file.

Unknown author (2019-11-10 02:43:56):

There is no .ini files on this set. Also it isn't necessary .ini files to put these cursors on your mouse.

Vlazteron (2019-11-10 16:02:23 / 5 stars):

I love the recolor and all the detail!

Unknown author (2020-06-25 03:58:10):

Nice! :-D

RIDDLER (2020-06-25 12:45:57):

Thanks. Cool black theme and details.

RIDDLER (2020-08-10 02:53:27):

This is a normal black cursor set designed for Windows 7. Need it! Come and grab it!

Unknown author (2023-03-11 12:40:01):

sex niger cursour сука

RIDDLER (2023-03-12 13:33:34):

Black cursors are extremely common nowadays. They have become even more common that white cursors. The same thing with computers. Back in the 1990s, computers and keyboards were beige white. Now they are black along with keyboards being black. I don't understand the color change. It would be better if computers and keyboards would be in all other colors apart from the common black or white look.

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