Rain (2019-11-25 00:50:51 / 5 stars):
these are so good, thanks so much for making a larger version as the original ones were a bit skinny and hard to see... C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-25 02:38:00 / 5 stars):
Nice, but they are a bit simple. RIDDLER (2019-11-25 03:15:50 / 5 stars):
The large pencil set looks even better than your normal sized one. I wish you all the best. C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-25 04:37:24):
also, the black one is a little wierd RIDDLER (2019-11-25 09:10:27):
The black pencil looks weird because the lines don't show. She could of used white lines for the black pencil so that a contrasting color would give more detail to the black pencil. jessicatgirl12 (2019-11-25 21:05:27 / 5 stars):
I love reviewing your sets, Ember Moon, because they're all nice and creative and there are a bunch of different themes and styles you put on them. You made another pencil set that looks similar to this, but I still like it because you offered a bigger size option. Since sometimes your computer has technically difficulties and doesn't always put the hotspots in where you intend, it's very nice and refreshing to see one of your sets with the hotspot placed correctly. My favorite one is the large purple pencil cursor because I just like it for some reason. Keep making sets! snickerdoodle (2019-11-25 21:16:25):
aha the black one does look weird i'll see about fixing that RIDDLER (2019-11-26 06:52:35):
Wow. That's a lot of faces. That is the very first time that I see so many faces on a website. Goodness me. Face guy. snickerdoodle (2019-11-26 06:57:13):
was that to get your buttons kittykats52 (2019-12-02 00:09:24 / 5 stars):
i love these. i can't believe that they are hand-drawn. i can't draw half as well as that. thank you for making the set in a larger version. Unknown author (2022-09-23 07:01:26):
so nice it helps while explaining and showing on the screen to get constant attention of children tnq so much beautiful cursors and it brings some liveliness pls make peacock cursors |