R0mKa (2021-01-09 16:25:22 / 5 stars):
Nice set! Looks like the default Win 10 cursors, but even cooler! 5 stars incoming! Forgot the rating RIDDLER (2021-01-09 17:29:32 / 5 stars):
This set is a hybrid between the Windows 10 cursors and the Mac OS cursors. Good thinking though. Unknown author (2021-01-10 00:02:10):
Cute Bobcat (2021-01-11 08:46:55 / 4 stars):
I would have liked them smooth, because defaults are smooth. I love the glassy effect and the design. Fix the handwriting cursor. Szubidub (2021-01-11 17:00:29):
Its now fixed. Thanks Wolfie3334MOON (2021-01-11 19:31:51):
These should be the windows 11 cursors. Great cursor. Like somebody said this is the cross hybrid between the mac os cursor and windows 10 cursor. (Probably the Roblox cursor too.) ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ (2021-01-14 00:11:08 / 5 stars):
It's simple! I like simple cusor RIDDLER (2021-01-14 04:28:11):
This cursor set deserves more stars for its quality. RIDDLER (2021-01-14 04:28:42):
It does. This is a perfect set. RIDDLER (2021-01-14 04:29:11):
Perfection equals quality on the RealWorld website. Unknown author (2021-01-18 23:59:03):
thanks now i can slap all kids on roblox the streets guns #top 1 tapper. ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-20 02:08:50):
Does the third cursors hotspot move? Look closely. I'm not sure. Szubidub (2021-01-20 17:12:45):
yeah it does, idk why tho, I cant fix it inactive account (2021-03-26 09:16:01 / 5 stars):
Fix it with Real World Cursor Editor, using the Cursor Hot Spot tool. Unknown author (2021-04-06 21:07:34):
Minecraft2.0 (2021-07-19 11:07:29 / 5 stars):
This It's Cool! ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-11 08:35:00 / 5 stars):
@flix yes it move it's like vibrating but this set is good. segelie1 (2021-10-22 21:00:17 / 5 stars):
Omg this is good. Unknown author (2021-12-18 12:34:36):
this is windows 11 Unknown author (2023-01-15 20:16:20):