Henry vntv (2022-06-26 10:02:49):
good but why you move to this proflie? Account not found (2022-06-26 10:08:28):
because i had no idea to what to make with that account Henry vntv (2022-06-26 15:50:37):
oh Ms. insecure ! (2022-06-27 12:22:37):
Account not found (2022-06-27 13:31:32):
What lol Henry vntv (2022-06-27 15:52:05):
bruh Henry vntv (2022-06-28 10:23:21):
Account not found (2022-06-28 14:10:19):
Henry vntv (2022-06-28 14:28:59):
good 3DHenry vntv (2022-06-28 15:17:23):
i love them Account not found (2022-06-28 15:52:33):
Thanks Henry vntv (2022-06-28 16:18:55):
i don't know what it is Account not found (2022-06-28 19:23:21):
Search nostalgia face in your search engine before making that face Henry vntv (2022-06-29 06:35:29):
no, but i will make diffrent ok Ms. insecure ! (2022-06-29 06:54:33):
sorry Account not found (2022-06-29 13:12:53):
sorry about what? Henry vntv (2022-07-01 11:33:35):
Thank you for making more of my face icons Account not found (2022-07-01 15:48:02):
No problem dude! Account not found (2022-07-02 12:13:11):
New spray guys Henry vntv (2022-07-02 15:59:22):
Account not found (2022-07-02 16:34:33):
Account not found (2022-07-09 12:59:10):
Sup guys, new spray paint TheXPDude2001 (2022-07-09 16:49:14):
Oh i now checked out why did u move to this profile Henry vntv (2022-07-10 02:51:04):
why not make more sets Account not found (2022-07-15 12:25:48):
Im busy Ms. insecure ! (2022-07-19 08:04:57):
can you make more cursors? Account not found (2022-07-19 17:19:18):
yes i make pixel cursors but please NOTE that: Account not found (2022-07-19 18:15:25):
Hey sup people, new spray Phantom (2022-07-20 13:40:36):
Hello Account not found (2022-07-20 13:42:49):
Hi Henry vntv (2022-07-21 07:12:17):
22 buttons Account not found (2022-07-21 07:39:44):
GodRage (2022-08-01 20:45:26):
Thank you for your messages. Your profil too is cool. Account not found (2022-08-01 20:48:23):
Thanks Henry vntv (2022-08-02 14:40:45):
i just played iron man even if i didn't unlock it Account not found (2022-08-02 23:08:08):
I did the same with all stages except iron man Henry vntv (2022-08-03 10:26:42):
Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-15 06:30:16):
hi Henry vntv (2022-08-15 09:49:10):
here is your web cursor http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/179580 Account not found (2022-08-15 12:42:24):
pup academy -- hi Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-16 03:59:26):
can you make more curors Account not found (2022-08-16 14:20:46):
Ok but actually im on my android 10 tablet so exagear windows emulator does not support rw desginer software, maybe tomorrow, anyways im working on lego cursors set Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-17 04:41:52):
kk Account not found (2022-08-17 11:16:08):
anyways, today i will upload the LEGO Cursors set, im completing all cursors role for the LEGO Cursors set Account not found (2022-08-17 15:58:25):
Now im working on Lima Cursor set Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-18 06:30:06):
cool Account not found (2022-08-18 10:21:24):
Thanks Account not found (2022-08-20 22:06:09):
New Spray Paint Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-23 02:10:40):
ok Account not found (2022-08-25 18:57:36):
Ms. insecure ! (2022-08-27 04:52:09):
cewl Account not found (2022-08-28 12:09:43):
I don't know what does cewl mean Ms. insecure ! (2022-09-05 12:58:42):
cool but spelt wrong Account not found (2022-09-05 13:17:53):
ok thanks Henry vntv (2022-09-20 15:55:47):
Unknown author (2022-09-21 03:47:25):
Hi this is fierra / Ms insecure. Idk why i got logged out of my acc but ill try logging in back. - fierra Kirsty Basa (2022-09-21 03:51:58):
I Forgot my pass so i made a new acc Account not found (2022-09-21 14:03:28):
Ok Kirsty Basa (2022-09-22 15:55:57):
Hi . . Account not found (2022-09-22 19:24:05):
Hi Kirsty Basa (2022-09-23 06:10:12):
Account not found (2022-09-23 16:12:29):
Thanks EeveeGaming (2022-09-23 20:43:09):
Your profile is so... full ! Account not found (2022-09-23 21:49:51):
You can use images, but it would take a long time, so you can view the formatting forum post to learn more, and you can us inspect element to see the name and directoy of the website pictures Kirsty Basa (2022-09-27 07:17:54):
using your lima cursors right now Account not found (2022-09-27 13:52:05):
ok Unknown author (2022-09-30 08:31:47):
i love you Account not found (2022-09-30 16:00:35):
bruh what Kirsty Basa (2022-10-05 04:18:49):
btch who the fck ? Account not found (2022-10-05 18:15:22):
Those people are maybe troll kids, specially they are seeking for attention and they fake it's gender. LoL Account not found (2022-10-11 19:43:50):
I have a new cursor set in development! Unknown author (2022-10-15 18:15:33):
Hello cursor creator
Account not found (2022-10-15 22:16:34):
Is because the ones you can't set as your pointer are icons, they are designed to change the folder or shorcut icons Unknown author (2022-10-18 12:28:44):
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUH Account not found (2022-10-18 18:04:53):
wdym? P.S: WDYM Stands for: "What do you mean" Kirsty Basa (2022-10-20 05:30:25):
I just made something unexpected Unknown author (2022-10-20 14:50:23):
Hello homies Account not found (2022-10-20 15:34:43):
Material Girl -- ? Anonymous -- hello eeveelover64 (2022-10-21 14:19:55):
when i saw ur new name, i thought of lucario lmao Account not found (2022-10-21 14:59:06):
lol eeveelover64 (2022-10-21 15:17:51):
actually, what was the inspiration for this new name? Account not found (2022-10-21 17:49:56):
Windows vista default wallpaper And also i use windows 7 and windows vista sp2 in one laptop. Lol! Plus sp2 fixes unstability and crashes eeveelover64 (2022-10-26 16:15:51):
yeah but, vista is literally the worst os ever, right next to windows 2000, it literally constantly crashed right out of the damn box Account not found (2022-10-26 18:05:07):
Here a full solution to vista haters: Unknown author (2022-10-29 09:12:32):
Bruh make tanqr cursor Account not found (2022-10-31 11:30:36):
No, i don't accept requests that are not from the cursor and icon content i make, and is anime, when anime graphics hurts my eyes Unknown author (2022-11-04 01:26:33):
today I just have been scrolling in random cursor sets chat and now my eyes hurt help me- (ಥ _ ಥ) Account not found (2022-11-04 07:44:38):
Insert snow on your eyes eeveelover64 (2022-11-04 13:01:54):
why snow in particular? what if they don't have snow? Account not found (2022-11-04 14:39:27):
if they don't then insert soap water in the eyes eeveelover64 (2022-11-04 15:27:29):
that would also be painful, why not just regular water? Account not found (2022-11-05 09:02:36):
cuz i didn't had the idea eeveelover64 (2022-11-07 14:24:49):
wdym "didn't have the idea"? i thought that would've been your FIRST thought! Account not found (2022-11-09 10:30:34):
Lol Kirsty Basa (2022-11-10 04:37:54):
Account not found (2022-11-10 13:15:36):
When you put only 1 emoji no one knows what do you mean, try being more specific M1grandgaming (2022-11-14 20:52:35):
hello sir *bows* Account not found (2022-11-14 21:03:39):
hello, wdym? eeveelover64 (2022-11-16 14:34:33):
its a friendly gesture used by some cultures Account not found (2022-11-16 19:21:11):
oki thanks bro Unknown author (2022-11-19 09:05:13):
How do you create a website? Account not found (2022-11-19 09:33:51):
with google sites Kirsty Basa (2022-11-22 04:19:42):
hi Account not found (2022-11-22 22:05:36):
Hello Kirsty Basa (2022-11-29 05:18:34):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-11-29 22:54:37):
Hello Account not found (2022-11-30 17:56:44):
Hello Star fruits el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2022-12-06 12:23:18):
hola starfruit. Account not found (2022-12-06 18:15:50):
Sí ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-12-21 17:07:50):
Please check out the December TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! http://www.rw-designer.com/forum/6556 KittyUwU (2022-12-21 17:11:05):
Ignore him Account not found (2022-12-21 22:05:56):
Ok, i deleted these comments from that arrogant and rude kid Unknown author (2023-01-05 10:11:08):
Yea good job Account not found (2023-01-05 11:03:50):
No problem Account not found (2023-01-06 15:16:44):
Eevelover64 -- is not worthy to comment, i will delete your rude comments M1grandgaming (2023-01-06 17:33:27):
hey wyd ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-01-06 17:42:35):
Please participate on January TOTMAccount not found (2023-01-06 17:51:11):
Ok, also thanks for the throphy M1GG -- What's wyd? ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-01-06 18:33:43):
you are welcome i think wyd = what your doing? Account not found (2023-01-06 23:34:57):
Ok thanks sweet potato (2023-01-08 21:40:22):
steal and repload
http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/minecraft-diamond-edition eeveelover64 (2023-01-09 14:18:48):
huh? Account not found (2023-01-10 21:58:42):
sweet potato -- NO PROOF??? eeveelover64 (2023-01-10 22:18:07):
yeah, even then he still provided credit for cursors he didn't create Account not found (2023-01-13 19:37:56):
New user tile! eeveelover64 (2023-01-14 03:46:36):
why do you keep changing your name? Account not found (2023-01-14 11:34:35):
I don't know Henry vntv (2023-01-23 12:51:24):
i'm trying to make a nother face icon but it keeps not responing so forgive me el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2023-01-27 09:09:35):
HOLA, CARACOLA Unknown author (2023-02-14 12:59:17):
Why you quitted? Kirsty Basa (2023-02-23 05:15:54):
hi long time no talk TenZue (2023-02-23 17:59:21):
░░░░░██╗░█████╗░██╗███╗░░██╗██╗ Minecraft2.0 (2023-04-25 16:27:28):
burger eeveelover64 (2023-04-26 14:06:27):
next time eat a salad Henry vntv (2023-04-29 12:41:11):
bruh, i don't know whatto make Unknown author (2023-05-08 16:57:46):
make me buss Unknown author (2023-05-19 14:21:56):
make a buss make me buss burger Henry vntv (2023-07-04 14:54:51):
the dont click https://www.mediafire.com/file/6baml6hmatjdjts/the_dont_click.html/file Unknown author (2023-07-18 11:46:44):
C:\Batch\Volume\shush.bat BG5DF (2023-09-14 19:55:51):
Congratulations, you just FLOODED THE HALL OF FAME IN CJ!! BG5DF (2023-10-23 21:29:16):
Also, don't spread missinformation Unknown author (2023-11-25 13:55:00):
a Unknown author (2023-12-05 16:41:18):
come back bro, we miss u Unknown author (2023-12-09 22:14:34):
Hey guys, long time no see, i will never comeback to the account because around January of this year, i realised that i was addict to RW and YouTube, then i decided to abandon those accounts, sorry Unknown author (2023-12-10 14:18:10):
good riddance i never liek u anywayz TenZue (2023-12-11 03:18:56):
bro spelled like wrong and u don't damn know who he even is so no point of saying that so which means shut ur ass up , yo breath smells so bad that even yo dad had to leave. U wanna see an ugly person ? Look in the mirror. Like shutcho 2-2 score ass up like ur name is anonymous boi can't create an account to be seen in the real world, like ur that ugly boi. Like stfu u got the mega vaptron personality like u finna be using ppls brain cells to get common sense. u can't even spell "like" correctly boi like double check ur spelling, ur shaped like "s" equaling to sped. if u didn't like him, u wouldn't have to respond to his damn message. Unknown author (2023-12-11 17:42:59):
u suck at suckin vape You will go to h.ll Unknown author (2023-12-14 17:02:47):
bro what Unknown author (2023-12-15 18:01:03):
Loser Unknown author (2023-12-17 20:36:34):
Pls stop being mean I will try to be careful cuz i want to do a comeback, but i will try to remember my password Unknown author (2023-12-21 11:52:41):
Hello Starfruit7, Wackcord. It's good to know you're okay. It's a good idea to recover your password so you can know if someone requested to purchase the spray. Unknown author (2023-12-26 07:29:34):
here you have some fans. on any other website you have gossip, censorship and hidden espionage. The choice is up to you. The espionage I'm referring to is the police watching you and your country's federal government through famous websites. desejo-lhe boa sorte e um bom ano novo 2024 para você e sua família. Te deseo mucha suerte y un feliz año nuevo 2024 para ti y tu familia. Je vous souhaite bonne chance et une bonne année 2024 à vous et à votre famille. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024. Unknown author (2023-12-29 16:42:00):
I gave you 5 damn secondz, to tell me how robot you are Unknown author (2024-01-10 17:09:23):
I can't believe there are still people who don't know what the point of posting as an anonymous user is. Anonymous User was created for people to express their opinion in confidential messages and protect themselves from attacks! So you are a robot?? I'm a Starfruit7 fan but I'm not a robot fan. I am a old. I have an account. This is my last message. Goodbye. I'm old but I'm not idiot. Stupid topics. I'm going to watch my television. eeveelover64 (2024-01-10 19:59:50):
ok TenZue (2024-01-31 06:57:31):
um xTikans (2024-02-23 14:19:47):
:skull: TenZue (2024-04-07 23:17:59):
fr hate it how rwc doesn't allow other emojis to be sent in Unknown author (2024-05-20 19:11:27):
Hey Wacky you had a youtube accout??? also, rip BG5DF (2024-06-13 16:14:41):
Who's this guy??? Unknown author (2024-06-20 00:07:09):
Wackycord is this guy here. Also ultimate name used by him before renaming to Account not found and leaving as a coward. But this guy is a good guy. A lot of people like him here and he doesn't value it. Before Wackycord he was Starfruit7, an excellent gamer. I'm not going to say anything after all, I'm not Wikipedia to be an encyclopedia. What can we say if he doesn't want to come back... All the while, from Starfruit7 to Wackycord he used the user color red. Always red! Unknown author (2024-06-22 23:52:18):
http://www.rw-designer.com/user/102364 here we have it in the oldest previous account. This old account advertises an even older private account, perhaps one of the first. You can check out the gallery and download really cool icons and cursors. But he recommended not posting comments there, because his recent account is here. NewAccInDesc is a old private account with 3 sets to download. OK. BG5DF (2024-07-30 11:29:59):
Alright got it Unknown author (2024-08-06 10:09:56):
Hey guys, Wackycord here. I came here for this to say this: While I improved my grammar (Because English isn't my main language) and my graphic designing skills it's mostly likely i won't come back, mostly because I lost not my account, by rather my password, and I see that drama is being caused by troll accounts, and some anonymous people, during the past year's late January decided to ditch all my account due to personal reasons, i haven't checking what was going on in RealWorld, and for some reason the mean/rude anonymous people increased. I won't come back to YouTube neither because of how is being absolutely ruined. But i would come back to other websites such as Archive.org, and instead of joining YouTube to give it a chance again I would join an alternative called BitView, a website that looks like old youtube, you can find most being uploaded content in YouTube, such as gameplays, animations, etc, I might also register in some forums. -Wackycord Unknown author (2024-08-07 23:02:35):
I forget to say, I might get a new email soon! Unknown author (2024-12-01 13:18:17):
ur cursors are trash dude theyre ugly as s you should jump on a cliff cuz ur cringe ♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ (2024-12-12 17:14:11):
Shut your mouth hes trying Unknown author (2025-03-04 16:18:14):
you're WORTHLESS |