RealWorld Photos coming soon

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RealWorld Photos coming soon

Published by Vlasta on November 23rd 2008.

The beta version of RealWorld Photos has been publicly available for almost a year. A good portion of the year was spent improving the application and the final build is getting near. If you have used the beta version, please spend a moment and answer a few questions. Your opinion matters.

Final vs. Beta

RealWorld Photos getting near release

The final version will be significantly different from the currently available beta. Here are the most important enhancements:

I am mentioning these to emphasize the fact that the final version is going to be something different. Please keep your mind open when answering the questions.

Your answers can make a difference!

Please spend a few moments answering the following questions. (Put your answers into the comment field below.)

  1. What have you used the beta version for? (just playing with it, creating pictures for web, retouching photos, batch resizing, not used it at all, …)
  2. What were the major functions you have missed in the application? (layer support, better printing support, color management, photo albums, online interaction - flicker etc., …)
  3. What minor functions have you missed? (drawing tool, image filter, image format support, …)
  4. While working with the application, what were the most annoying issues? (a particular bug, color picking, behavior of a particular tool or filter, opening each file in its own window, mouse gestures, batch processing user interface, installation, startup times, …)
  5. And what about any particularly pleasant surprises? (same options as above)
  6. For what features and approximately how much money would you be willing to pay? (lossless JPG re-saving, batch processing, layers, …)
  7. Do you like RWPhotos logo/icon? How to improve it?

While answering the questions, please keep in mind what RealWorld Photos currently tries to be: a handy tool for photographers, who want to get things done quickly, efficiently and with high quality.

Thanks in advance for your insightful feedback!

Recent comments

user icon Backtop registered user on November 23rd 2008

1 I used it for making new pictures
2 I missed layer option and the invert function
3 I missed Outlines for the texts
4 Notihing annoyed me
5 Same as above
6 I would be happy if i don’t have to pay nothing, but if, maybe around 10 euros.
7 I like it, that icon fits to the other progs you made

user icon Anonymous on December 7th 2008

You have missed to put in hand left / hand right colors the opacity for selected color.
its only displays transparencies for white. leave OLD STYLE with the transparencies for all the colors in the selector, i do not want to use the slider all the time

user icon Vlasta site administrator on December 8th 2008

I am sorry I do not understand what you mean. Could you explain it a bit more?

user icon Anonymous on December 30th 2008

What have you used the beta version for? creating a tattoo design for myself which included changing pictures taking parts of one picture and inserting it in another and adding and changing colors.

What were the major functions you have missed in the application? I rather enjoyed the applications that were available. I did find certain ones hard to use or figure out. Such as the pixelate button, works great but doesn’t change the picture. At least not that I could figure out.

What minor functions have you missed? the text is very basic, no outline, no bending, no nothing really.

While working with the application, what were the most annoying issues? using a second color. using the fill, there needs to be a way to select an area to fill when the area isn’t enclosed and if there is, I can’t figure it out. I also didn’t like the fact that each project opened in a complete different window instead of in the same window.

For what features and approximately how much money would you be willing to pay? not sure, I dl’d it because it was free. However, being able to sample it and help you find the kinks in it would definitely make it more valuable to me. i also think that offering it as a free download for a trial period would get people hooked because it is a great program.

Do you like RWPhotos logo/icon? How to improve it? I think the icon is fine.

user icon Anonymous on December 30th 2008

oh, and the fact that right clicking doesn’t bring up cut, copy and paste. That is seriously annoying.

user icon Anonymous on December 30th 2008

And, one more thing. (I’m playing with it again and found this) a shape stamp would be good. Like hearts and stars and such. You have drawing ability but being able to put shapes in things would be great too.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on December 30th 2008

Thanks for the feedback. Color pickers and filling will be a bit better in the final version. Filling an unclosed area should be possible by combining various selection tools (holding SHIFT and/or CTRL is altering their behavior) and then filling the selection.

It is not too late to add cut/copy/paste to the context menu <- it will be there.

The other suggestions will be incorporated in future versions.

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background