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Windows 7

Is Icon Editor 2008.1 fully compatible with windows 7.
on February 21st 2010

Before I choose this tool as my favorite icon editor, I want to know if it is compatible with windows 7. If this is not the case, when will a new relase be available?

on February 21st 2010

Yes, Windows 7 is basically Vista with few bells and whistles.

on February 25th 2010

great analogy there vlasta :-D

on March 8th 2010

I noticed that RealWorld version 2008.1 custom operations crash the application in Windows 7. As I have purchased RWEditor, can I upgrade to 2009.1 on the same licence?

Otherwise, could you please confirm that the custom operation (to dim an icon by painting alternative pixels, you supplied it on this forum on my request) does work on Windows 7?

on March 8th 2010

Version of Windows should have no effect on the custom operation. It may need adjustments in newer versions of the editor though as the scripting system was updated. Are we talking about the icon editor or cursor editor? Version 2008.1 is so far the latest released version of the icon editor.

on March 10th 2010

Thanks for the reply Vlasta,

It is the Icon editor, and the custom operation to dim by painting alternate colours does crash on Windows 7, but works fine on my old XP computer.

I love the package, but I use this dim operation all the time. Any ideas?

The code is as follows:

var image = Document.RasterImage;
var sizeX = image.sizeX;
var sizeY = image.sizeY;
//Colours are Alpha (transparency), Blue, Green, Red
var color = 0xffffffff; // this is White
//var color = 0x00000000;  //This is transparent
for (x=0; x<sizeX; x++)
for (y=0; y<sizeY; y++)
  if ((x + y)&1)
    image.SetPixel(x, y, 0, 0, color);
on March 10th 2010

OK, I'm going to try it on Windows 7 myself. One thing I would try is to uninstall and reinstall the application. Maybe something went wrong.

on March 11th 2010

I tested the script on Windows 7 and encountered no problems. Is there any other difference between the 2 computers?

on March 18th 2010

Thanks ever so much Vlasta for making the effort!

I can see no other obvious differences! I would imagine this is down to my own hardware, perhaps some faulty memory, but I dont have any problems elsewhere.

Not to worry, I have access to the old PC still, and still use RealWorld all the time for icon editing/creation!

Thanks for your help.


on March 18th 2010

I wish I could help you. If you sent as much info as possible to my email (screenshots with script config...), maybe I'll spot something.

on April 4th 2010

i entered the code in Paint.COM and it said "Expected '/'"

on April 5th 2010

Works fine in mine...

on May 5th 2010

in Paint.COM. I guess it's not the right code setup or something.

on June 9th 2010

ICON EDITOR 2009.1 works OK on WIN 7 64bit

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