Im a newbie on RW but love it so far. The only trouble is I cannot save what I create. When trying to save an animation im getting an error screen "Saving of a file failed. Please use different location". Then it saves a useless empty file with correct name&extension but no data.
I tried different folders, Run as Administrator, modifying access etc. Nothing works. I was able to save the first file I created and then it stopped working. What's going on? It's not a trial application, is it?
In what application? I remember recently fixing a bug related to saving. It could have slipped into some builds, let me check...
Well, it seems to work fine in the latest RWPaint, it should even ask for permissions when attempting to save to a protected folder.
In older applications, you may see this message when saving to UAC protected folders, but you should be able to save to your Documents folder at any time.
Is there a problem with a specific file format or does it always fail?
It is a problem affecting both opening and saving files. I am unable to open any files in RWPaint via Open button. However when I right click a file in Windows Explorer and select Open With it works fine. The other thing I noticed is that the only files I was able to open and save were those in windows' Sample Pictures folder. This made me think it could be something to do with the permissions. So I took time and copied all the permissions from Sample Pictures to my files - didnt work. Tried the same for the whole My Pictures library folder - no luck. So I ended up copying a whole sample picture file from Sample Pictures folder to My Pictures library to find out if Im able to open/save there - NO! This really does not make sense to me. Oh, and it was the same with any file format, although originally I was working on a .gif
It does not make much sense to me either. Let's try some basic tasks, for the sake of simplicity, let's place all files on Desktop - you should always have permissions to read, write files on the Desktop.
First, let's try running the app and then dragging and dropping an image file placed on the desktop to the application (near the window caption). It should open. Then try immediately the Save button - it should save over the original file in the same file format.
If that works, try opening the file via the Open button in the application and saving it with "Save as..." function.
Please let me know which of those actions worked. And please let me know if it is RWPaint you are using and whether it is the latest version and possibly what is the version of the RWStorage.dll file. And what Windows version you are using and whether UAC is on or off.
Thanks Vlasta, I thought I was going crazy.
Well, I placed my animated .png file that im working on on the Desktop and tried what you said. It opens and saves the same file OK on there but the problem occurs when Im trying to save my animated .png into .gif. Then it shows that error screen. It saves OK into any other format though.
Could it be something to do with the specific task Im trying to do?
I have the latest RWPaint version, Windows 7 Starter,not sure how to check RWStorage.dll, searched for the file on Windows - not found. UAC seems to be ON
RWStorage should be in the installation folder or in %appdata%\RealWorld\RWCursorEditor\PlugIns Right clicking on it and looking at the Details tab should show the file version.
Maybe the problem is tied to saving your image as .gif? The next step would be to confirm this or prove it false. Please try saving different images/animations as gifs or saving the problematic one in other formats.
It appeares that you cannot put more than 4 frames into a gif, I was trying 8. Its saving it fine now. The whole point was to get an animated twitter profile pic. Here it is
Thanks for all your help and your time Vlasta
As you can see I was trying to make it spinning but must have done sth wrong. Instead, I just got it shaking
Will work on it still.
RWPaint is a wonderful app though
I would love to see this bug completely resolved. The shaking is very important and should work in all cases. Could you send me the original picture (to and a step by step guide on how to get into the state, where the saving fails?