Wishlist for the next version of RW apps - RealWorld forums

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Wishlist for the next version of RW apps

on October 11th 2014

Since the next version is being developed now, I thought this is the best time for wishing stuff.
So here goes:

> a Maximize button in layout editor dialogs

on October 11th 2014

Well, the layout configuration is a awful thing. Still, I am surprised that a maximize button would be the #1 thing on your wishlist. Do you customize your layout a lot? I always though nobody dared to touch them ;-).

Vector Lightning
on November 1st 2014

I tried to change stuff. Then I broke it and reinstalled. To this day I have no idea what I did, but I completely removed the left and right panels. Nothing but the canvas, the javascript thing at the bottom, and the toolbars.
What is the panel on the left of the Configuration Window, anyway? Is that supposed to represent the window's layout? I'm so confused by it. I'm so glad that you don't really need to change the workspace ^.^' Maybe modeling it to give a live preview of the layout would be handy, or even making it work similarly to Firefox's Customize feature they added in that last major update. But that'd be overly ambitious, I imagine. Wouldn't that involve something like rebuilding from scratch?

Totally tangentoid topic: I think that improved touch support would be useful, particularly options for larger buttons and control handles, and maybe a Drag N' Scroll mode.

on November 1st 2014

If something goes wrong with the layout, the easiest fix is to reset the configuration, although you lose any customizations. (You can also export the layout before you start experimenting with it.)

The tree structure on the left side shows the structure of the layout. Menus and sub-menus, toolbars, windows, etc.

Yes, something would have to be done with the small control handles, they are not really usable on a touch display. It won't be easy, there can be a lot of control handles visible at the same time.

on December 8th 2014

I have a bunch of different layouts for different tasks (default, pixel art, animations). Mainly I hid unnecessary toolbar btns and ctx-menu items, and grouped most-used, or similar btns together. Plus multiple copies of panels :S . The configuration was a pain.
I have nightmares that I might make a mistake, and have to start over again.

So yes, the layout editor is a great strength of RWapps, and you should make it less awful. :-)

on June 3rd 2015

Would be great if we were able to get a half black and half white testing area in the editor ,i generally have a dark desktop and need to minimize every time in order to see the effect i have in my animations

thanks for a great set of tools
top notch

on June 10th 2015

My opinion: I don't like the new icon for RWIE used in it's beta version.

on June 10th 2015

another one: how about plaintext/readable appdata settings? Eg, the layout setting (at least) ;-)

on June 10th 2015

That would be nice and it may actually save some space, I'll see what can be done about that.

on July 5th 2015

^^ great! and yet another small suggestion: let the monospace font used in consoles be customizable.

on July 5th 2015

Would customizable font size be enough?

on July 10th 2015

font size is not a problem, it's Courier (UGLY!!), maybe at least you could default to Consolas.

10 replies were left out.

on March 9th 2016

I saw this update a little late.
The + button works perfectly in RWPaint (Ubuntu, Wine, yup),
and my filters can do their jobs now, that's cool, thanks! :-)
I wish this button was in RWIconEditor and RWCursorEditor, too. ^^

on March 9th 2016

There is a preview build of the icon editor available from its main page via a small download link.

on March 10th 2016

Oops, my fault.
Yep, in icon editor (under Wine) it works, too. :-)

on April 15th 2016


Me again: In RWCE I cannot change the animation speed.
Is this a javascript engine issue, too?
I wish it would work under Wine.

smyskr stopped drowning you in wishes, maybe I'll continue. ^^
Great apps anyway.

on April 15th 2016

Unfortunately, yes. WINE currently does not contain the Windows JavaScript engine. I could integrate a full JavaScript engine into the application, but it is a lot of work and would make the program significantly larger. It may happen one day.

If you use the same delay on all frames, you can quickly change that value by selecting all frames, (optionally pressing F2) and simply typing a new value.

on April 15th 2016

One day I'll have a better machine with Win7.
But typing works, I didn't know that, thanks!

on June 30th 2016

In the future, I would love to see a Linux XCursor Codec in RW Paint, if possible. The reasoning behind this is the ability to repair any images that render wide or outside the canvas during conversion. It would save some steps of saving the image in RWCE and re-opening it in RWP. As well, in RWP the canvas size can be modified immediately whereas in RWCE it can only be modified in image format, if that makes sense. OK. Thanks. :-)

on March 5th 2017

A working color picker that can actually correctly handle hexadecimal numbers and a color swapping function because the script I found posted wont work ... or won't work on 4 bit cursors ...

on June 26th 2017

a coustomized grid with options to set size in mm/pixels and the ability to snap objets to it, so we can organize the desings

on June 26th 2017

a layer stacks, so we can get more organized works, with grups of layer, and 3d layers to import unicorn3d files and others.

on June 26th 2017

an stroke tool with option to use an image and set size blur scatter rotate etc.

on June 26th 2017

improve the countour gradient with blend modes, so the alpha color paint over the grapics

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