I really want to add the 3D Module to Cursor Editor!! I have icon editor, but now what?!!?!?!?
The easiest way to add the 3d functions to cursor editor is to uninstall it and then install it again and check the appropriate option during the installation.
hi thatwas not a big help
I have the same problem, i downloaded real world icon editor and got A liscence, on Real World Icon editor, i can use the 3D tools to create icons, it works well. But on real world CURSOR editor, i installed the 3D tools, but when i launh the program the 3d tools are not here, but i still have the 3D example models how do i enable the 3D tools on the cursor editor? thanks in advance!
You need to (re)install it with the 3D module enabled. Check your email box for serial.
hello again...
It didn't worked, i still have the 3D tools on RWicons (which i Reinstalled) and don't have them on RWcursor (which i reinstalled too)
When installing cursor editor, you need to enable the 3d module in the installer - there is a box to be checked .
That's what i did twice (with the checkbox) but it didn't worked (sorry for beign annoying)
If you are sure, you have enabled the 3D module for cursor editor in the installer, go to application About box and enter the name and serial number there and restart it.
Is it possible, if i once installed (more than 30 days ago) real world cursos and deleted it, that now i can't use the 3D tools because the shareware has expired. I think its this because nothing works for me
Yes, it is possible. But it will re-appear once you enter the serial number from the email.
But i dont have a serial number for Real World cursor (sorry for beign a total noob)
I have re-sent it to you. Check your email, and possibly the spam folder.
Well, actually, the only liscence i ever got was the Real World icon editor one (including the 3D tools) but i never had a liscence for the Real World Cursors editor, and the liscence you re sent me didn't worked.
You are right, it was not valid for this version. Please try it again with the new serial.
It wont work for me because there is no checkbox when i download. it just says there is one for the language package thingy but not 3D.
wait what? theres a 3d editor in the cursor editor too? WANT!
Not yet available for the latest version...it will come.