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Anony's profile

View Anony's timeline, last visit on November 24th 2010

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Fruity! TeaserFruity! Cursors
by Anony369These are some seriously fruity cursors! This set includes more curso...
Spooky! TeaserSpooky! Cursors
by Anony531This is my first cursor set! The sword and the ghost I made myself an...

Forum topics, where Anony participated

Recent comments

user icon Vlasta site administrator on November 24th 2010

Please do not upload one cursor multiple times, the space on the web server is limited. I have deleted the last set as there were not enough unique cursors.

You can update your older sets if you upload more related cursors and it is the preferred way to creating a new set.

user icon Anonymous registered user on November 30th 2010


user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on December 31st 2010

Check out my blog. Anybody interested in a cursor experiment?

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
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