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Patience's profile

View Patience's timeline, last visit on March 26th 2011

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Ummm... I am new to this, I am wanting to learn how to use it.... I am 14, very creative, I am a girl, I am into music and editing pictures.

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user icon absterninja registered user on March 26th 2011

Hello!!!! Glad to have someone new to RealWorld Graphics. I'm a girl too! My name's Abby ;-)

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 1st 2011

@absterninja Really? A girl hacker? This is a strange concept to me. Like something out of a movie... lol...

Didn't know that, and no, I don't believe that guys do anything better than girls, etc. and all that. It's just uncommon. I'm in IT Networking at college and It's almost all guys, haha.

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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