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MaxiGamer™'s profile

View MaxiGamer™'s timeline, last visit on January 28th 2023

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Name:Maxime Maynard

Featured art


Super Mario Bros 3 - 8-Bit Cursors (13 cursors)

Released on November 19th 2012 by MaxiGamer™

Super Mario Bros. 3 8-Bit Cursors Set
Now shadowed.

Latest art

Mario 8-Bit - Left-handed TeaserMario 8-Bit - Left-handed Cursors
by MaxiGamer™1166My Mario 8-Bit Cursors in a new "left-handed" version. It will be upd...
Super Mario Bros 3 - 8-Bit TeaserSuper Mario Bros 3 - 8-Bit Cursors
by MaxiGamer™2736Super Mario Bros. 3 8-Bit Cursors Set Now shadowed.
Various Super Mario TeaserVarious Super Mario Cursors
by MaxiGamer™1003All sprites ripped by supermariofan360 All the characters are from Ni...
Weird Beta TeaserWeird Beta Cursors
by MaxiGamer™489The beta version of the cursors pack "Weird". Cursors by Mario-Ninten...
Pac-Man™ TeaserPac-Man™ Cursors
by MaxiGamer™3421A small pack of cursors of the game Pac-Man ™ Sprites by Namco® Cu...
Super Mario World™ TeaserSuper Mario World™ Cursors
by MaxiGamer™4035Super Mario World sprites and game by Nintendo® Cursors by Mario-Nin...
Mario Paint™ TeaserMario Paint™ Cursors
by MaxiGamer™3669Give credits to Nintendo® for sprites and Mario-Nintendo for cursors.
Mario 8-Bit TeaserMario 8-Bit Cursors
by MaxiGamer™6407Mario 8-Bit cursors

Forum topics, where MaxiGamer™ participated

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on July 2nd 2021


user icon Anonymous on August 6th 2021


user icon nibbler forum moderator on January 22nd 2022

Hello! I seen you on Spriters Resource before. I was wondering where you post this. I want to see your sprite work. :-)

rsrc/thisss.png image'
rsrc/derpy111.png image

user icon Anonymous on March 1st 2023

can you please invert this cursor?

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?