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View Sharky Overlord's timeline, last visit on February 22nd 2024

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I'm a potato. Genderfluid (he/them)

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Blooming Panic Cursors (69 cursors)

Released on July 8th 2022 by Sharky Overlord

If you've clicked on this set I can only assume you have excellent taste in dating sims. Welcome!

This is a set of cursors based on the game Blooming Panic by robobarbie! I love them dearly, they give me the best brainrot.

In this set are 69 cursors total (nice)
Each of the icons from the game, all of the love interests' main sprites, selfies, and happy ending CG's, along with the emotes (half of which have an alternative animated version I made myself!), and the necessary supplementary cursors to make the set match no matter what your mouse needs may be!

If, for whatever reason, you clicked on this set and you've never played the game, congrats!!! This is the universe giving you a sign to PLAY IT! It's free and it's absolutely wonderful. 10/10 I have xyx on my phone case

Latest art

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Show all icon and cursor sets.

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user icon Anonymous on March 17th 2018

nise stuff bud

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 20th 2018

Make a black dice set.

user icon S.M.A.N registered user on April 3rd 2019


user icon Anonymous on April 28th 2019

These are cool, sadly the rainbow ones don't work for me.

user icon SophieCutti registered user on April 29th 2019


user icon Vlazteron registered user on September 15th 2020

Great mouse pointers! Why you don't make another cursor set?

user icon Anonymous on May 18th 2022


user icon Henry vntv registered user on July 3rd 2022

haven't you make icons icon-image/23969-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on July 8th 2022

love your rainbow sets!

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on December 28th 2022


Welcome to RW designer page

icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

I know it's a bit late but...
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!


user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...