ADRI_34_YY's Art - sets #561-600

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Icon and cursor sets by ADRI_34_YY

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Dark Pink Captain TeaserDark Pink Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY2A dark pink color for a dark cursor pack.
Light Pink Captain TeaserLight Pink Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY2A lighter pink color for a darker cursor.
Light Orange Captain TeaserLight Orange Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY3A lighter color for a darker cursor pack.
Light Yellow-Orange Captain TeaserLight Yellow-Orange Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY3A light color for a darker cursor.
Light Garnet Captain TeaserLight Garnet Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY3A light color for a dark cursor.
Light Teal Captain TeaserLight Teal Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY6The light teal mode of this collection of cursors.
Dark Green Captain TeaserDark Green Captain Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY2A dark color for a dark cursor.
Windows 7 Purple Glowing 2 TeaserWindows 7 Purple Glowing 2 Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY93A light cursor with purple glowing and purple charge icons.
YouTube Style Classic TeaserYouTube Style Classic Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY8The classic red color of youtube in a cursor.
YouTube Style Yellow TeaserYouTube Style Yellow Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY4A yellow variation from the youtube style classic.
YouTube Style Green TeaserYouTube Style Green Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7A green variation of the youtube style classic.
YouTube Style Purple TeaserYouTube Style Purple Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The purple variant of the youtube style classic.
Windows 7 Yellow Glowing 2 TeaserWindows 7 Yellow Glowing 2 Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY18The light cursor mode for the windows 7 yellow glowing dark cursor.
Windows 7 Orange Glowing 2 TeaserWindows 7 Orange Glowing 2 Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY19The orange windows 7 glowing that no one asked!!
Windows 7 Blue Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Blue Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY4The bezel edition from the normal blue one.
Windows 7 Green Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Green Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY4The green bezel cursor pack of the normal green one.
Windows 7 Light Blue Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Light Blue Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY4The light blue bezel cursor of the original one.
Windows 7 Orange Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Orange Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY1The bezel orange cursor from the original one.
Windows 7 Pink Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Pink Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY0The pink bezel edition from the original one.
Windows 7 Purple Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Purple Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY2The purple bezel cursors from the original one.
Windows 7 Red Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Red Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY0The red bezel mode for this collection.
Windows 7 White Bezel TeaserWindows 7 White Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY3The white recolored version of the original one.
Windows 7 Yellow Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Yellow Bezel Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY1The yellow bezel edition from the original one.
Windows XP 3D Bronze TeaserWindows XP 3D Bronze Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY6The 3D bronze windows xp cursors made only for you user!!
Windows XP 3D White TeaserWindows XP 3D White Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY6The white color for the windows xp collection.
Windows XP 3D Yellow TeaserWindows XP 3D Yellow Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The yellow version of the normal windows xp cursor pack.
Windows XP 3D Pink Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Pink Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The edit of the windows xp in pink color in my profile.
Windows XP 3D Teal Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Teal Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY5The windows xp teal color for this collection.
Windows XP 3D Orange Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Orange Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY5The orange color for the windows xp collection in my profile.
Windows XP Classic Complete Edition TeaserWindows XP Classic Complete Edition Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY5The original cursors of windows xp extracted from an operative sistem.
Windows XP 3D Blue Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Blue Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The windows xp blue color in 3D mode!!
Windows XP 3D Green Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Green Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY5The green color for the windows xp 3D collection in my user.
Windows XP 3D Dark Blue Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Dark Blue Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY6The dark blue mode for this windows xp cursor.
Windows XP 3D Purple Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Purple Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY11The windows xp purple 3D mode for this collection of cursors.
VS 1.0 Pink Cuartz TeaserVS 1.0 Pink Cuartz Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY5The pink cuartz color for the vs cursor collection in my profile.
VS 1.0 Red Cuartz TeaserVS 1.0 Red Cuartz Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY2The red cuartz color for the vs 1.0 collection in my profile.
VS 1.0 Orange Cuartz TeaserVS 1.0 Orange Cuartz Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY1The new fresh color for this vs 1.0 cursor themed.
Windows XP 3D Red Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Red Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The red version of this type of cursors.
Windows XP 3D Yellow-Green Edit TeaserWindows XP 3D Yellow-Green Edit Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY7The yellow-green version of this windows xp cursors.
VS 1.0 Green Cuartz TeaserVS 1.0 Green Cuartz Cursors
by ADRI_34_YY3The green cuartz version of this cursor collection.
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