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Cursor Mania's profile

View Cursor Mania's timeline, last visit on March 23rd 2025

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Hi I'm Cursor Mania, an excelent, iconic and much apreciated creator and I will create cursors and icons free of virus, to customize your laptop, or other types of computers, leave a review in my cursors and icons to do more types of it.
Thanks for all people that dowload my cursors/icons and Riddler for leave a valoration and a comment in some of them, I will do a cursor for my anniversary in this page, or a lot of cursors of my annyversary, I will think so...
I joined to this page in 2023-02-22 19:19:51.
Special thanks to my accademy teacher called Damián, he created the Damián cursors and I make it possible.
Write to me if you want a dedicated cursor set with your ideas!!
Also help me with the followers, let's reach the 1M on my social networks!!
Also follow me on my social networks with the #CursorMania:

                                                      ABOUT ME:

Also my birthday is 14/06/2006 so I have 18 years, don't say me like a kid, say me like an adult.
My pronouns: Him / He (not converted).
I live in Spain, Madrid (in this moment).
I like girls, I'm not gay.
I'm a maniatic person, I like the pens BIC are a good brand of school material.
I like the perfection and stetic things.
My favourite cars is the BMW M2 and the most I like is the Nissan Silvia S15 Spec R.
My favourite colors is the purple, gold, silver, amethist, and all the colors but in chromed.
I hate stupid people with hurting intentions, also in the comments.
My favourite vidogames are: Call Of Dutty, Need For Speed, and fortnite, also Roblox and Genshin Impact.
My most favourite game is this legend: Need For Speed Underground 2!!
I like a lot the tunning cars so that's the reason I'm elamantedeltuning on tiktok with 1.441 followers and waiting for a lot more!!
My real name is Adrián, in the avrebiated form of Adri so you can call me what you want!!
Good and respetable person here!!

                                                  IMPORTANT THINGS:

I'm spanish from Spain if you are spanish I acept spanish commentaries in my cursors sets, if you know english I acept to, but if you don't know this two languages don't leave a review.
Stupid comments not acepted, think what you write, thanks.
If you use one of my cursor pack to make a fusion with other I tell you to nombrate my cursor pack or my name to do that colaboration, thanks.
I will do that cursors in my free time and I am triying to do all your ideas so let me time to do it, don't saturate me with a lot of messages or reviews of: canyou do a cursor... and thigs like that.
I read all your petitons but let me do it, I will publicate it when I finish that petition as soon as possible, so be patient, thanks for reading.
Also visit my deviant art user:

                                              IMPORTANT NOTICE, PLEASE READ:

I can't put all the recolors in one pack:
You know what crazy is to me put all recolors in one pack??
You know??
No right??, is difficult to put 98 icons one by one and then put them in a pack, to do the same stupid thing with the cursors also uploaded one by one, here don't exist the "bulk loading", people that don't appreciate my job say things without any sense, so don't appreciate my hours inverted in here and to do 888 packs in this moment, there's a lot of hours doing and unploading the icons and cursors I do, to you going and in 1 second you download 15 minutes of doing and uploading icons and cursors, so please enjoy, is the only thing I want to see here, people happy with my sets, please enjoy what I do!!
Stupid people that only want to hurt is what I hate, being staying here for 2 years in this page eliminating comments of this type on my icons and cursors I maked the decision of don't eliminate them to show the people that never learn about the things they write, also being advertised in the information in my profile, now is your tur to don't be like him, don't apport success ideas to me, also is don't appreciating the hours I invert in here, please learn to be good and apprecciate what I do, because the day I don't connect anymore you will remember me and I don't be there to see what happens here in a future...
You don't want to that happen??
Don't be kinda stupid like the people that are insulting me, that didn't valotate nothing, and that hurts me when I see...
One day I don't want to reserve this things and I will explode insulting them...
I hope you will understand this...
Bye, and thanks for reading!! :-)

                                               OPEN ZONE CURSORS AND ICONS:

YouTuber-Streamer inspired Cursor and Icons Collection:
Vegetta777 Purple Edit Oxygen Cursors: rsrc/223866.png image
Vegetta777 Logos Folders Icons: rsrc/the-vegetta777-logos-icons.png image
ElRubius X MadCat Coloring Breeze Hacked Kustom Edit Cusrors: rsrc/223956.png image
ElRubius X MadCat Logos Folders Icons: rsrc/the-elrubius-x-madcat-logos-icon.png image
Fernanfloo Green Edit Oxygen Cursors: rsrc/223889.png image
Fernanfloo Logos Folders Icons: rsrc/the-fernanfloo-logos-folders.png image
Breeze hacked collection:
rsrc/885.png imagersrc/195325.png imagersrc/195352.png imagersrc/195401.png imagersrc/204693.png imagersrc/204714.png imagersrc/204735.png imagersrc/204757.png imagersrc/204778.png imagersrc/204799.png imagersrc/204820.png image
More breeze hacked soon.
Damián cursors collection:
rsrc/186774.png imagersrc/212193.png imagersrc/204120.png imagersrc/204134.png imagersrc/204149.png imagersrc/206917.png imagersrc/206932.png image
Windows 7 normal colors collection:
rsrc/200335.png imagersrc/200337.png imagersrc/200361.png imagersrc/200339.png imagersrc/200341.png imagersrc/200343.png imagersrc/200345.png imagersrc/200333.png imagersrc/200331.png imagersrc/200329.png imagersrc/200671.png image
Windows 7 modded special colors collection:
rsrc/200481.png imagersrc/200497.png imagersrc/200564.png imagersrc/200584.png imagersrc/200600.png imagersrc/200617.png imagersrc/200637.png imagersrc/200654.png imagersrc/200688.png imagersrc/200705.png imagersrc/200726.png imagersrc/200985.png image
Windows 7 ultra colors collection:
rsrc/201002.png imagersrc/201019.png imagersrc/201036.png imagersrc/201053.png imagersrc/201070.png imagersrc/201087.png imagersrc/201104.png imagersrc/201121.png imagersrc/201152.png imagersrc/201170.png imagersrc/201188.png imagersrc/201205.png imagersrc/201237.png image
Windows 7 ultra medium colors collection:
rsrc/212290.png imagersrc/212273.png imagersrc/212256.png imagersrc/212238.png imagersrc/212307.png imagersrc/212325.png imagersrc/212416.png imagersrc/212361.png imagersrc/212381.png imagersrc/212399.png imagersrc/212472.png imagersrc/212490.png imagersrc/212524.png imagersrc/212344.png image
Windows 7 deep special colors collection:
rsrc/201261.png imagersrc/201280.png imagersrc/201297.png imagersrc/201314.png imagersrc/201331.png imagersrc/201349.png imagersrc/201366.png imagersrc/201383.png imagersrc/201401.png imagersrc/201418.png imagersrc/201436.png imagersrc/201453.png image
Windows 7 super colors collection:
rsrc/212808.png imagersrc/212824.png imagersrc/212912.png imagersrc/212840.png imagersrc/212896.png imagersrc/212928.png imagersrc/212960.png imagersrc/212992.png imagersrc/212944.png imagersrc/212976.png imagersrc/213040.png imagersrc/213008.png imagersrc/213056.png imagersrc/213024.png imagersrc/213073.png image
Windows 7 super intense colors collection:
rsrc/213089.png imagersrc/213105.png imagersrc/213138.png imagersrc/213121.png imagersrc/213170.png imagersrc/213186.png imagersrc/213202.png imagersrc/213218.png imagersrc/213154.png imagersrc/213236.png imagersrc/213252.png imagersrc/213268.png imagersrc/213284.png image
Windows 7 super inferior colors collection:
rsrc/213301.png imagersrc/213576.png imagersrc/213317.png imagersrc/213333.png imagersrc/213349.png imagersrc/213365.png imagersrc/213464.png imagersrc/213480.png imagersrc/213496.png imagersrc/213512.png imagersrc/213528.png imagersrc/213544.png imagersrc/213560.png imagersrc/213592.png imagersrc/213608.png imagersrc/213624.png image
Windows 7 normal bezel colors collection:
rsrc/212728.png imagersrc/212744.png imagersrc/218941.png imagersrc/218957.png imagersrc/218973.png imagersrc/218989.png imagersrc/219061.png imagersrc/219045.png imagersrc/219077.png imagersrc/219093.png imagersrc/219109.png image
Windows 11 colors collection:
rsrc/186738.png imagersrc/204869.png imagersrc/204908.png imagersrc/187060.png imagersrc/197228.png imagersrc/197250.png imagersrc/197268.png imagersrc/200207.png imagersrc/200225.png imagersrc/204887.png image
Anathema colors collection:
rsrc/186745.png imagersrc/194537.png imagersrc/194552.png imagersrc/194568.png imagersrc/194583.png imagersrc/200114.png imagersrc/200129.png imagersrc/200144.png imagersrc/200159.png imagersrc/200174.png imagersrc/200189.png imagersrc/200240.png imagersrc/200277.png imagersrc/200293.png imagersrc/200308.png image
Aero gold shadow small sized variants collection:
rsrc/194508.png imagersrc/200756.png imagersrc/200771.png imagersrc/200786.png imagersrc/200801.png imagersrc/200816.png imagersrc/200849.png imagersrc/200864.png imagersrc/200880.png imagersrc/200895.png image
Night diamond colors collection:
rsrc/195477.png imagersrc/195568.png imagersrc/195615.png imagersrc/195661.png imagersrc/195706.png imagersrc/195795.png imagersrc/195875.png imagersrc/196197.png image
Oxygen colors collection:
rsrc/196247.png imagersrc/196262.png imagersrc/196277.png imagersrc/196292.png imagersrc/196308.png imagersrc/196323.png imagersrc/196338.png imagersrc/196353.png imagersrc/196368.png imagersrc/196385.png imagersrc/196400.png imagersrc/196415.png imagersrc/196430.png imagersrc/196445.png imagersrc/196460.png imagersrc/196475.png imagersrc/196490.png imagersrc/196507.png imagersrc/196523.png imagersrc/196538.png imagersrc/196553.png imagersrc/196568.png imagersrc/196583.png imagersrc/196598.png imagersrc/196613.png imagersrc/196628.png imagersrc/196643.png imagersrc/196658.png imagersrc/196674.png imagersrc/196689.png imagersrc/196704.png imagersrc/196719.png imagersrc/196734.png imagersrc/196749.png imagersrc/196764.png imagersrc/196779.png imagersrc/196794.png image
Oxygen alterated colors collection:
rsrc/212198.png imagersrc/223831.png imagersrc/223851.png image
Transparency colors collection:
rsrc/202816.png imagersrc/203382.png imagersrc/203397.png imagersrc/203412.png imagersrc/203427.png imagersrc/203442.png imagersrc/203457.png imagersrc/203472.png imagersrc/203487.png imagersrc/203502.png imagersrc/203518.png imagersrc/203557.png imagersrc/203572.png imagersrc/203587.png imagersrc/203602.png imagersrc/203662.png imagersrc/203677.png image
Black Royale colors collection:
rsrc/194981.png imagersrc/203365.png imagersrc/205912.png imagersrc/205928.png imagersrc/205945.png imagersrc/205961.png imagersrc/205977.png imagersrc/205993.png imagersrc/206009.png image

Featured art


The Elrubius X MadCat Logos Folders Icons (47 icons)

Released on January 27th 2025 by Cursor Mania

A ElRubius X MadCat logo icon set with 47 colors including the classic one, and also 9 gradient bonus, with the MrBeast coloring included!!
The sizes are 48x48 and only for windows, enjoy.
A Elrubius X MadCat logo inspired exclusive only on this profile (Mine), ElRubius is a famous YouTuber-Streamer that have 2 channels of YouTube and one of Twitch available in this links:
In the channel ElRubiusOMG it have 40,6 Millions of suscribers and 709 videos, the videos on this channel are the authentic essence of the old times of ElRubius.
In the channel Rubius Z it have 13 Millions of suscribers and 745 videos, it uploads everithing like gameplays of a lot of variety!!
In the Twitch channel of ElRubius it do live videos almost everyday of a wide variety of things.
Also is my 1º favourite YouTuber-Streamer on my list, I like the content he creates and also I'm an old subscriber to his channels, he does also terror videos even he don't like this type of games.
He has also played doors of roblox, that the programation of this game has absolutely surprised him also being created on roblox, he likes the vappers and sometimes (almost always) use one in his lives on Twitch, in his beginnings he do everithing he wanted, doing crazy things of all types but now he do a lot of streams,
A curious fact: one of his videos have appeared on a "Men in Black" movie!!
He is a lot of times with one of his friends called "German" and also have a cushion with his face and a outlined heart form.
I think I have to do more but in a future there will be more of this type of icons to customize your folders.
Is a litlle gift to my 1º favourite YouTuber-Streamer!!

Latest art

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Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Cursor Mania participated

Recent comments

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user icon Anonymous on February 5th

barbacue chicken alert - zm

user icon TenZue registered user on February 5th


user icon Cursor Mania registered user on February 5th

Nice cursors I aready put 4.5 and a good review :-D

user icon h registered user on February 5th

i dont understand the hype about this website, or why people make so many damn cursors, but yours actually look fire tbh

user icon TenZue registered user on February 6th

H is because you can make your own type of cursors and equip them and have animated cursors

Different Types of VISTA Cursors

user icon Cursor Mania registered user on February 6th

Yeah now in this moment are 900 sets!! :-D

user icon TenZue registered user on February 8th

Different Types of REALWORLD Simple Cursors

user icon TenZue registered user on February 9th
user icon h registered user on March 5th

barbacue chicken alert

user icon Anonymous on March 19th

why is bro commenting on his own profile talkin bout some "Nice Cursors, just put a 4.5 on it" bro be fr do u really lack that many fans and fame that you have to comment on your own stuff? thats lowkey wild.

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...