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View Imagine's timeline, last visit on February 15th 2025

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Retro is life ♥

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Retro Wave Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on September 18th 2018 by Imagine

It's a perfect throwback to the old times, matching Retro Synth Themes. Have fun using these animated Synth-colored Rainbows! (light blue, dark blue, purple, orange, yellow)
Yes, these are recolored Windows cursors. I only tweaked the colors

Latest art

Retro Wave TeaserRetro Wave Cursors
by Imagine5491It's a perfect throwback to the old times, matching Retro Synth Theme...
Dominoes (incomplete, will not get updated) TeaserDominoes (incomplete, will not get updated) Cursors
by Imagine235Its for you if you like dominoes No updates coming anytime soon becau...
Creeper and random TeaserCreeper and random Cursors
by Imagine196The creepers are back
Animated ELECTRIC Mouses TeaserAnimated ELECTRIC Mouses Cursors
by Imagine1827This is Electric!Everywhere are some Elektro Parts! Its complete now ...
Invincible Mouses TeaserInvincible Mouses Cursors
by Imagine2106The mouse has eaten marios stars!Its a cool ani. enjoy comment and ha...
Creepers-main arrows TeaserCreepers-main arrows Cursors
by Imagine2889For Creeper-Fans!

Forum topics, where Imagine participated

Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on November 10th 2014

icon-image/10436-128x128x32.png image
Welcome to Real World Graphics!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!

This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

user icon cdl contributing user on December 3rd 2014

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

user icon koolman69 registered user on March 23rd 2015

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUNNY GUY RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

user icon koolman69 registered user on March 30th 2015

i see you are kind of a celebrity on this website! Well done number 48244! :-o 8-) :-) :-D

user icon Anonymous on February 11th 2021

You Suck Why Did You Say That To Vlasta Huh?

user icon Insane Games registered user on March 9th 2021

Looks like you quit RWD last year.

user icon Imagine registered user on May 25th 2021

well surprisingly I do still pop up from time to time. But I was an ass back then and nothing can change that so I do not do much on here. It's for the best, really.

user icon Anonymous on March 2nd

face down ass up big boii |-) ;-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?