RealWorld Graphics - customer support

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Software support

If you are having trouble with one of the applications available from this web site, please follow these steps:

  1. Search for solution of your problem using the Search box in the upper corner of this page.
  2. Post a new topic on the discussion board. You do not need to create an account to post new topic in the General chat section.
  3. Contact us via a contact form or send an email to

When describing your problem, include short characteristic of the behavior of the application, its version (Go to Help menu and select About RealWorld ... menu command) and operating system you are using.

Resources and extensions

RealWorld Icon Editor and other RealWorld application feature an open architecture and is easily extensible. This page contains latest released extensions and resources related to the application.

Extend functionality of RealWorld tools with plug-ins. The plug-ins are downloaded directly from the application. This is just an overview.

Downloadable images and 3D models for speeding up your work. Assemble your pictures or 3D models from premade parts instead of designing all from scratch.

Learn how to use external image filters with RealWorld Icon Editor and find image filters in the list of compatible plug-ins.

If you are an author of an extension or a package with images, icons, or 3D models and want to share your work with others, please contact us and your work will be published on this page.

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