ADRI_34_YY's blog

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Beginned a new collection of edited Black 2020 cursors!!

cursor-teaser/black-2020-yellow-edit.png image
Here is an example of what I'm doing.

Beginned a new color collection of VS Cuartz Colors!!

cursor-teaser/vs-1-0-pink-cuartz.png image
Here is an example but I'm doing more colors.

Beginned a new collection of Windows XP 3D cursors.

cursor-teaser/windows-xp-3d-dark-blue.png image
Here is an example but I will do more colors!!

Beginned a new collection called "Captain"

cursor-teaser/purple-captain.png image
Here's an example but I will create more colors!!

Help me with your valorations and comments to do more cursors

People, write me here to make cursors with your ideas!!!!

ADRI_34_YY's blog

Blog archive

Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
Select background
I wish there were...