Cursor Mania's blog

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New recolored versions of Aero Tailless Shadow in all colors!!

cursor-teaser/aero-tailles-shad-blue-edit.png image
Here is an seleccionable example.

Hi everyone!!

I have changed my name to my influencer name to obtain more followers and things like that, but I'm the same person: ADRI_34_YY.
I will be publicating as always I do so don't worry about my name you can follow me on my social networks if you want. Thanks for reading!! :-)

A new collection of rediron cursors is available now!!

cursor-teaser/rediron-orange-edit.png image
Here's a seleccionable example of what I'm doing.

Beginned a new collection of roblox cursors!!

cursor-teaser/roblox-green-ed.png image
Heres an example and will have a lot of colors!!

Created my first icon set!!

icon-teaser/the-windows-7-classic-colored-.png image
Here is an seleccionable set with 30 colored windows 7 folders.

Started a new collection of VS 2.0 cursors!!

cursor-teaser/vs-2-0-green-no-shadow.png image
Here's a seleccionable pack... and also happy new year 2025!!

Beginned a new collection of edited minecraft diamond sets.

cursor-teaser/minecraft-green-diamond.png image
Here's an example of what I'm doing!!
Made with this pack:
All the atributions to him for doing it!!

Started new edited versions of minecraft wood colored tools!!

cursor-teaser/minecraft-mod-green-wood-edit.png image
Here is an example of what I'm doing. Done with the tools on this pack, al the atributions to him!!

Continued an older cursor collection in more colors

cursor-teaser/windows-7-evo-so-green-edit.png image
This is an seleccionable example of what I'm doing.

Beginned a new collection of edited Black 2020 cursors!!

cursor-teaser/black-2020-yellow-edit.png image
Here is an example of what I'm doing.

Beginned a new color collection of VS Cuartz Colors!!

cursor-teaser/vs-1-0-pink-cuartz.png image
Here is an example but I'm doing more colors.

Beginned a new collection of Windows XP 3D cursors.

cursor-teaser/windows-xp-3d-dark-blue.png image
Here is an example but I will do more colors!!

Beginned a new collection called "Captain"

cursor-teaser/purple-captain.png image
Here's an example but I will create more colors!!

Help me with your valorations and comments to do more cursors

People, write me here to make cursors with your ideas!!!!

Cursor Mania's blog

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What about ICL files?
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...