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View bdgg's timeline, last visit on October 20th 2013

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lady bug nature Cursors (11 cursors)

Released on July 16th 2013 by bdgg

I love ladybugs, so I wanted to share that love with you. I hope you appreciate the time I took at building them.

Latest art

lady bug nature Teaserlady bug nature Cursors
by bdgg2636I love ladybugs, so I wanted to share that love with you. I hope you ...
Liquid Inks TeaserLiquid Inks Cursors
by bdgg906I liked the idea to have ink splashes. I made these for those who lov...
Cookie monster (ball version) TeaserCookie monster (ball version) Cursors
by bdgg1582I really love Cookie monster, so why not to have his own cursors? I k...
ponyo pack Teaserponyo pack Cursors
by bdgg260I made a tribute to ponyo with images taken from out there.
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by bdgg206I made them by using material from a designer. I am not pretending to...
small angle Teasersmall angle Cursors
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target the great Teasertarget the great Cursors
by bdgg644i like cursors which do not invade the screen, so I wanted to design ...
mobile phone Teasermobile phone Cursors
by bdgg465I tried to make single cursors to help you having more options to use...
Graphite TeaserGraphite Cursors
by bdgg2770like arrows? these are designed to make you navigate with elegance bu...
Neon ball TeaserNeon ball Cursors
by bdgg2853why not neon ball pointer? try these cool pointers while their softly...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

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Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on June 19th 2013

My oh my! You sure have been busy!
Welcome to RW Graphics!

icon-image/8303-32x32x32.png image

user icon bdgg registered user on June 20th 2013

Oh thanks cdl.. yeah I am little bit busy these days. :-D

user icon cdl contributing user on November 1st 2013

Have you seen the Theme of the Month contest?

You can read more on it here:

Hope to see you enter a set in the contest!

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on June 11th 2014

can you make more neon cursors like black and other colors please 8-)

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?