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Waffle Alien's profile

View Waffle Alien's timeline, last visit on November 23rd 2021

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i am the magic alien i come from planet wooowoooolaweeegooo

Featured art


stickman Cursors (6 cursors)

Released on April 29th 2018 by Waffle Alien

enjoy the stickmen

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Alien Stuff TeaserAlien Stuff Cursors
by Waffle Alien227It's a bunch of alien stuff. Also I have not uploaded in a while
Random TeaserRandom Cursors
by Waffle Alien396its not THAT random but its random
Green TeaserGreen Cursors
by Waffle Alien205its has a stickman cursor from the stickman set
stickman Teaserstickman Cursors
by Waffle Alien984enjoy the stickmen
?random? Teaser?random? Cursors
by Waffle Alien1593i have random cursors.Enjoy!
electricity Teaserelectricity Cursors
by Waffle Alien5168i like electricity its cool to see.
Types of TeaserTypes of Cursors
by Waffle Alien496these are my first cursor set :)

Forum topics, where Waffle Alien participated

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user icon Waffle Alien registered user on April 15th 2018
user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on June 7th 2021


user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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What about ICL files?