Vlasta (2011-01-31 20:13:21):
Very good! If you add a short description, the set will appear on the front page of the library. JDDellGuy (2011-02-01 02:09:22 / 4.5 stars):
Very nice! CursorMo (2011-02-01 17:19:32):
Thanks guys, my first cursor set! JDDellGuy (2011-02-09 06:46:27):
Maybe it's just me, but Android Move.ani looks like the bottom arrow is not quite aligned properly. CursorMo (2011-03-11 12:38:23):
probably, i used the select and copy tool. t_anders (2011-04-03 03:53:47 / 4 stars):
cool! Unknown author (2011-04-04 21:17:20):
i like it Unknown author (2011-04-07 22:26:28):
Hi my name is....my name is.... my name is (record scratching) SLIM SHADY!!!! LOL Panovola (2011-04-23 21:10:56 / 5 stars):
My dad will like them. Unknown author (2011-06-04 15:58:58):
Cool Wielkie THX Unknown author (2011-07-23 20:31:11):
jojois74 (2011-09-09 00:38:30 / 3.5 stars):
Ok, these are good but I have a suggestion: You should make think cursor look more like android. Also, I wanted to say that the animations are awesome and you should make more animated cursors because you are really good at animating. I love the busy and loading cursors, as well as the help one and the illegal one the best (in terms of animation). Unknown author (2011-09-18 16:55:19):
Andriod is hilarious! Keep killing Apple lil' buddy! LMMfAO! Unknown author (2012-11-11 23:40:15):
How to install this pointer dude? Unknown author (2012-11-26 09:04:59):
The Great Job.. Unknown author (2013-01-17 13:32:38):
i love android.. Unknown author (2013-05-10 06:09:21):
como los instalo Ludwig (2013-12-01 15:07:53 / 5 stars):
Very nice, I like android! Vinickw (2016-06-29 00:44:21 / 3.5 stars):
More or less, a tip: You could make the dolls the best android Vlazteron (2020-09-02 00:48:25 / 4 stars):
Android is so cool, and the link select is a bit confusing. I don't know if it's pointing at me, or it's pointing up. |