t_anders (2011-04-04 05:00:55):
Note: cat-thing, fire, running, and UFO hot spots are off. Will be fixed soon. t_anders (2011-04-12 03:24:22):
fixed! TheJonyMyster (2011-06-18 00:06:07):
those are some preeeeeety good cursors. Unknown author (2011-06-30 15:43:05):
lovely just so epiclynesseslyingness Unknown author (2011-07-18 00:36:14):
t_anders (2011-07-18 05:16:41):
/\ thanks Ricon (2011-10-25 23:51:46 / 2.5 stars):
They're okay. Unknown author (2011-11-25 22:57:07):
these are great c: Unknown author (2012-01-01 04:42:08):
The cat things are called scarfies. I love these BTW Spy (2012-02-02 23:40:47 / 4 stars):
ADORABLE!! Love 'em!! You obviously worked really hard on these cursors! They are complete too! Great Job! DKTNH (2012-02-29 04:05:26 / 5 stars):
I Like Kirby ALOT Unknown author (2012-03-22 01:31:30):
Unknown author (2012-04-04 15:49:56):
i luv it!! its so cute Nintendo (2012-04-09 06:39:17 / 3.5 stars):
Sorry about only 31.5 there good but some dont have to do with kirby. kirby is pink and a little fluffy but you never said that there was swords and bombs NEOC (2012-04-11 23:24:02 / 5 stars):
@Nintendo: It you hasn't yet realized that those are from Kirby… Five stars for the variety. You remind me when I played Unknown author (2012-04-19 16:58:52):
thank! Unknown author (2013-01-03 03:20:30):
Nice! hope a full set comes out soon (i mean like oe for normal cursor, one for loading, etc.) cdl (2013-01-29 18:48:49 / 4.5 stars):
Okay, all things considered it is a good set. In this case I believe that if you used another source for the sprites it is of little consideration as you did apply yourself extensively in the creation of the set. This is a very good set and how all sprite related cursor sets should be created. You may want to consider crediting the source of your sprites for copy right and attribution reasons. Jason (2013-03-06 07:15:03 / 5 stars):
I love kirby!!! pinky123go (2013-10-11 11:21:57):
I lurrv dis website Unknown author (2014-04-11 21:24:42):
wow best cersers Unknown author (2014-07-24 05:23:27):
AWESOME YAY KRIBY! Bear (2014-10-09 05:09:36 / 4.5 stars):
Wow amazing but you need to label them please Unknown author (2015-05-06 22:49:33):
These are SOOOO AWESOME!!!! Unknown author (2016-12-09 17:29:34):
The cat thing is a scarfy Unknown author (2017-03-06 01:57:08):
Currently using as of post is very gud Unknown author (2017-06-16 15:17:49):
@Anonymous ("The cat thing is a scarfy") Was about to say that! X3 Unknown author (2019-06-18 23:43:50):
pls label them Unknown author (2019-11-17 19:22:32):
fddgfdbffggfbhgf Unknown author (2019-11-27 13:11:14):
amzing pointer perfect Unknown author (2020-02-04 22:04:18):
wowie wowie Unknown author (2020-02-21 08:26:24):
my dream is reality:D Unknown author (2020-04-22 22:19:08):
fuc off Unknown author (2020-08-08 00:26:39):
lzwg888 (2020-09-06 11:14:41 / 5 stars):
nice Unknown author (2021-10-19 13:33:03):
hehehwjhejhhehe Unknown author (2021-10-19 20:18:27):
c trop bien j'adore en plus les pointeur son jolie Unknown author (2022-04-28 08:56:30):
esta demasiado bien hecho Unknown author (2022-05-02 11:08:20):
no f u c k i n g way kirbyfan (2022-07-27 14:14:28):
kirby balls, at ur local target stores. this is p e r f e c t shesux (2022-08-26 13:14:29):
balls Unknown author (2022-08-31 15:09:57):
uno rev Unknown author (2022-09-11 20:33:39):
um Unknown author (2022-10-04 16:44:42):
nice Unknown author (2023-05-22 19:02:26):
Do you not know what a Scarfy is? R.I.P. man, R.I.P. (sorry for criticizing, but I'm a huge Kirby fan, and it's just hilarious to see the goofy names that people come up with when it comes to Scarfies. BTW, Scarfies are the cat-guys that get angry at you when you don't kill them with your first initial hit, and they explode after chasing the player for a short while-that is, in modern Kirby-YEAH. You're welcome for the clarification.) Unknown author (2025-03-01 19:10:59):
cool! You might want to know.... |