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Unknown author (2011-06-19 09:13:59):

awesomes.. :-)

Hellfire (2011-06-22 22:15:03):


Zack_Leonhart (2011-06-27 23:03:39):

Great work dude ;D

Daniel W. (2011-10-04 07:18:11 / 4 stars):

The busy looks pretty sweet. The precision looks cool but I would tend to say it doesn't fit with the set very well. Other than that good job. 4/5

Unknown author (2011-10-12 21:14:51):

Great work man. Help cursor is missing :-(

Ohh sorry man. i didn't see it. There is a help cursor over there. Great work. Thanks

Hellfire (2011-12-26 11:24:09):

Thanks for the 1000 downloads! :-D

rubi (2013-01-13 14:04:48 / 5 stars):

like this Thanks 8-) :-)

Spy (2013-01-30 23:38:44 / 3 stars):

Good jobs. They could have been cool animated though. :-o

Kradrling (2013-02-16 03:02:19 / 4.5 stars):

Great job, I agree with Spy and the guy who posted Oct 4th. I give you credit for the smoothness though

HNMunchey (2013-03-05 22:53:02 / 5 stars):

Great job! Nothing to comment, other than thet! ;-) ;-)

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-30 21:22:05 / 5 stars):

I love them!

Unknown author (2013-12-20 08:40:16):

:-) nice

Unknown author (2015-07-15 20:46:37):

pretty cool

AJaxx (2016-04-05 04:41:11 / 4 stars):

This is an interesting set of cursors. Almost like a shadow effect. I, personally, prefer the edges a little more crisp but that wouldn't suit what you're trying to achieve. Nice work.

Melissa517 (2016-08-11 22:54:08 / 5 stars):

Nice set! You guys are great artists!

Unknown author (2020-06-29 06:44:53):

kewl :-D

Justiinಠ_ಠ (2021-11-16 04:07:06):

Nice job! I would fix the dark color to be more light.

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