Vlasta (2011-08-19 20:12:34):
It is actually pretty good, few people can draw such things with just the pencil. NintendoGamer95 (2011-08-19 21:51:31):
... Really? Thanks! absterninja (2011-09-05 19:53:55 / 4 stars):
These are very cool. Vlasta is right, it is hard to draw with the pencil. I have one suggestion. All of the cursors look the same, and it is kind of hard to tell which cursor is which because the operation is so small. Other than that, good work! jojois74 (2011-09-05 23:33:55 / 4.5 stars):
The art is good. The pencil is really hard to draw with. I like them because every time you use them you can see the nice pictures which are drawn so well. The operation symbols are nice. I like how the light on the hair makes the hair look "real". If you can draw this with just the pencil, I wonder how well you can draw when utilizing all of the tools that the application has to offer. All in all, I think that you have talent. NintendoGamer95 (2011-09-06 09:57:59):
Thanks for the nice comments! jojois74 (2011-09-07 13:14:41):
Ok, I can't wait to see your next work. I hope they look as good as these ones do, hopefully even better! NintendoGamer95 (2011-09-07 19:04:52):
You just have to wait and see. Unknown author (2012-01-14 01:42:33):
This is REALLY good! I love it, especially since I love Hetalia (: If you don't mind, can you please make Japan? He's my favorite character in the whole world <3 But of course if you don't feel like it, I'm still really happy with Italy! NintendoGamer95 (2012-01-22 19:18:37):
Yay thanks! Hmm, maybe I'll make him sometime. Unknown author (2012-01-28 04:35:50):
AWW! MAKE ENGLAND! > w< MariaPiu (2012-10-02 15:27:13 / 5 stars):
Excellent cursor set! Unknown author (2013-11-15 19:47:45):