GardenPT (2011-09-13 22:03:43):
ColourPointRed11(resize3).cur wasn't working. I'm sorry. It now has been fixed. jojois74 (2011-09-14 00:33:44 / 1 stars):
These are just regular cursors in a different color. They are nothing special and I have seen hundreds. croths (2011-09-18 01:37:58 / 4.5 stars):
I like them and the other colour ones. Just what I like small and neat, thanks. Unknown author (2011-09-22 03:19:06):
gay jk Matias0211 (2012-03-19 15:04:00 / 3 stars):
Le trabajaste reflejo solo en los cursores?, en los demás (por ejemplo la mano) son planos, hubiese quedado mejor que ese reflejo blanco que tiene, se lo des a todos!. Unknown author (2012-12-28 22:55:53):
i love these cursors dude thx!! small and neat just how i like them! nibbler (2015-12-08 16:34:37 / 5 stars):
NICE! Unknown author (2019-04-01 00:55:53):
8-)nice job Unknown author (2020-12-02 14:46:44):
man i wanted a cursors a long time but its here Unknown author (2021-10-21 06:07:56):
cool love the cursor Unknown author (2022-03-22 06:51:27):
NICE Unknown author (2022-05-10 07:44:18):
Unknown author (2022-07-25 18:04:09):
oh my is cursors is perfect nice bro ! Unknown author (2022-08-14 10:29:27):
horrível rs |