NEOC (2011-10-15 03:40:28):
English: Español:
Daniel W. (2011-10-16 06:57:58 / 5 stars):
Great work on this set NEOC! Good attention to detail, and great quality. Also, great job filling all the roles and then even adding more colors! Fabulous first set! I'll look forward to seeing your future work. NEOC (2011-10-16 19:35:20):
English: Remember, pale blue Yoshi is incoming! Español: ¡Recuerden, se acerca el Yoshi celeste! Ricon (2011-10-22 21:13:13):
You obviously used a translator. NEOC (2011-10-25 22:40:51):
So because something is in two different languages is because a translator was used? You had insulted me very badly.
AND for your information, my native language is spanish, not english. absterninja (2011-10-28 22:38:26 / 5 stars):
Very nice work. I love how you have different colors to suit everyone's favorites. We hope to see more cursors from you and maybe some icons to! NEOC (2011-10-28 23:55:27):
I'm very thankful for your review. I had some problems but today, Yellow Yoshi will be ready. But... will be some difficult that I create some icons. 'Cause the most of my ideas goes to Cursor Editor. But someway (or someday) there will be. Maybe rippage icons from Yoshi Story. Tails the fox (2011-11-03 17:44:52 / 4 stars):
good luck Unknown author (2011-11-07 02:09:15):
WOW! Spy (2012-01-30 20:32:33 / 4.5 stars):
Cute cursors! I like how you have a few options of the same cursor type so I can choose which one I like more! One question... what is a yoshi? NEOC (2012-02-05 01:06:28):
¿¡WHAT!? NEOC (2012-03-17 17:39:26):
Oh, no. 666 downloads. 666! Matias0211 (2012-03-17 19:43:10 / 5 stars):
Muy buenos! NEOC (2012-03-17 20:11:26):
@Matias0211: Los del verde sí. Luego fue todo cuestión de cambio de color. Ahora con el Editor del 2012, y sus estilos de capa, será todo más fácil. Matias0211 (2012-03-17 20:40:51):
Ahh mirá! no había notado eso jajajaja, ahora es más facil todavía NEOC (2012-03-17 20:49:57):
Claro. sosnh (2012-03-19 23:43:31 / 3.5 stars):
Really nice cursors. Though I don't see how they are like Yoshi besides the texture. Maybe you should make ones that look like Yoshi with his full body. All in all, the cursors are good. NEOC (2012-03-20 21:34:58):
The idea, is that you can think and feel you're a Yoshi by looking a colored hand (that's because I call them "Yoshi's Desktop" and not simply "Yoshi" Cursors). Thanks for the constructive critic. Nintendo (2012-04-07 23:39:21):
so your makin fun of me? NEOC (2012-04-08 23:15:48):
You're no longer called Ýoshi (`-´). Nintendo (2012-04-08 23:54:37):
it was a joke :/ this might brighten up your day ☼ a sun Nintendo (2012-04-09 08:27:22):
these are really cool as cool as you keep up the good work Unknown author (2012-06-09 14:32:34):
this is so cool and i like the way they have seat the thing up and it is cool that it is minecraft Unknown author (2012-09-27 02:36:55):
Where is the Green yoshi working in Background cursor? I don't see it anywhere. Unknown author (2012-11-12 23:28:42):
fabuloso amigo Unknown author (2012-11-25 19:46:29):
muy bueno los cursores de colores ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-16 11:21:56 / 5 stars):
mE encantaannn <3 los amo Unknown author (2013-04-30 07:27:28):
missing green yoshi working in background... ctarmansy (2013-06-18 19:19:44):
i dont get what the "unfunny game" is... Unknown author (2013-07-08 10:57:38):
how to install it? cdl (2013-07-10 09:35:19 / 4.5 stars):
Oh my! Very colorful, smooth lines, nice animations. Unknown author (2013-10-22 16:15:27):
OH MY GOD Busterdoo (2013-12-17 00:58:25):
This is nice. Just wish there were more orange Yoshi's... Unknown author (2014-04-02 18:00:06):
I don't care i hate it I don't care... Unknown author (2014-07-28 06:17:55):
MrBio5 (2014-08-01 11:06:08 / 5 stars):
The yoshi accuracy one is perfect! looks exactly like yoshis island awesomeeee! Unknown author (2015-05-04 23:21:14):
Unknown author (2015-08-01 14:34:04):
yoshi: YOU'LL PAY for this maaaaaariiiioooooooo......... *boom* J (2015-08-04 15:15:23 / 4.5 stars):
wow i think its the biggest set of the month AlphaOmega (2015-10-28 12:10:45 / 5 stars):
My goodness... That's a LOT of cursors! You must have worked hard on this! nibbler (2015-11-25 16:19:50 / 5 stars):
That is a L O T of cursors! nibbler (2015-12-08 16:39:52):
I really like the green ones! AJaxx (2016-01-10 18:10:36 / 1 stars):
Original author/file from 2006: Mario Gant by Behelit( Adamantiou Thomas ) Original MarioGloveCursor made by Ryan Clark Unknown author (2017-04-11 16:21:18):
MAKE THE CYAN YOSHI! Unknown author (2017-11-08 04:26:36):
I thought the cursors are just Yoshi's and not the hands Pizzachu22 (2017-12-18 00:30:54):
Holy cow this is hyuge Unknown author (2018-10-20 10:28:21):
I love these because i love yoshi! Unknown author (2020-04-23 01:24:09):
nplays (2020-12-08 20:53:52 / 5 stars):
OMG XGAMEMODEX Unknown author (2022-02-14 13:46:59):
I love these because i love yoshi! My goodness... That's a LOT of cursors! You must have worked hard on this! I thought the cursors are just Yoshi's and not the hands Unknown author (2022-02-16 19:48:04):
Unknown author (2022-03-02 20:03:22):
Henry vntv (2022-07-21 05:07:12 / 5 stars):
so cool Unknown author (2022-08-13 23:17:21):
Y-O-S-H-I C-O-O-L Unknown author (2022-11-06 22:59:45):
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> ononnoon Unknown author (2022-11-11 04:42:11):
i have egg fetish Unknown author (2023-01-13 02:33:41):
need more of the black one Unknown author (2023-05-04 17:24:52):
<iframe src='' style='width:100%;height:100%;' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe> Unknown author (2023-11-02 07:24:23):
yoshi Random person (2024-03-16 00:13:35 / 5 stars):
amazing Unknown author (2024-04-17 20:59:51):
me gusto B-) |