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Unknown author (2011-10-23 01:32:52):

Awesome! :-D :-D


:-) :-) :-) :-)

jojois74 (2011-10-23 01:54:04 / 4 stars):

Nice. They look a little bit random, but they look nice. Good work!

Teddy (2011-10-23 09:59:04 / 4 stars):

they are simply awesome xD Taco Cursors! Thats what the world needs! :-D
the optics are pretty nice :-) 4 of 5

Ricon (2011-10-23 20:45:22):

Thanks guys!
I love the reviews!

Ricon (2011-10-25 23:55:12):

3 more reviews with ratings!

absterninja (2011-10-29 17:26:35 / 4 stars):

These are great! Some of the hot spots are off though for busy, precision, unavailable, and text select. Keep up the good work! I give the idea a 5/5! icon-image/5386-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-10-29 22:35:34):

I know. 2 more ratings
Please read the description before posting absterninja!

Ricon (2011-10-31 22:01:10):

I more rating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tails the fox (2011-11-08 19:11:32 / 4.5 stars):

i love this man good job. icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-11-08 23:12:07):

Thanks - you are awesome!

lu9 (2011-11-23 22:48:42):

lol tacos are crazy

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