Unknown author (2011-11-30 04:48:56):
VERY CUTE CURSORS Unknown author (2011-11-30 06:17:49):
AMAZING!!! Unknown author (2011-12-01 06:38:22):
soooooooooo nice!!! Sirea (2011-12-01 08:38:36):
Good idea. thanks for inspiration. maybe I try some similar in 3D Unknown author (2011-12-02 06:57:35):
YOU HAVE TALENT!!! absterninja (2011-12-03 01:38:24 / 4.5 stars):
ADORABLE! Great work! Pixels art is hard to do. Perfect hotspots as well! Keep up the good work!!!! Maybe next time make a full cursor set! Unknown author (2011-12-04 05:20:00):
amazing cursor set jojois74 (2011-12-05 00:29:58 / 3 stars):
that is a really good idea but some of the hotspots are off. and by the way the smiley is holding it, the pen looks like a gun. Unknown author (2011-12-05 03:02:43):
good idea!!!! Unknown author (2011-12-06 01:37:14):
nice!!! absterninja (2011-12-06 04:18:50):
adorable!!!!! Unknown author (2011-12-06 06:31:53):
MAYBE I UPLOAD LIKE THIS Unknown author (2011-12-07 05:23:17):
you win!!! Unknown author (2011-12-08 01:06:44):
you have talent Unknown author (2011-12-09 06:56:22):
i´m happy absterninja (2011-12-15 02:33:47):
now that I noticed it...some of the new cursors you added have inaccurate hotspots...keep trying though! juanello (2011-12-17 02:04:56):
yeah!!coming soon lu9 (2011-12-29 18:40:49):
They are awesome, but the precision select is using the wrong hotspot... |