Unknown author (2011-12-06 10:20:18):
absterninja (2011-12-07 03:20:42 / 3 stars):
This looks like you copied Windows cursors and added a shadow. Try some more original work next time! Perfect hotspots though good job. Unknown author (2011-12-07 05:22:12):
so cute!! JadeAlyssaMilano (2011-12-22 10:45:06):
Cute i would totally love if there has been any guys who have got an a pink cursor lolz Amsuko (2012-01-06 00:20:34 / 4.5 stars):
Simple, clean, & looks nice. Unknown author (2012-01-17 01:58:55):
Looks nice. I'm a guy BTW. Purple is my favourite colour. Unknown author (2012-02-04 03:40:03):
ARE YOU GUY OR GAY?... Unknown author (2012-08-13 16:51:51):
that's mean. you shouldn't say that! Unknown author (2013-09-01 23:51:13):
there's one cursor left Galaxy Geek (2019-05-27 09:58:31):
Wow. My sister uses this all the time! Thank you! Unknown author (2019-08-25 13:22:21):
need yellow circle cursor |