Spy (2012-02-01 00:00:09 / 4 stars):
Nice cursors. One suggestion I would have is for you to change the NO.ani cursor. Your whole set is based on black and green so red looks out of place in the set. Thanks for including all of the 15 cursors in here. DesiLovesYewhh (2012-02-01 16:58:03 / 3 stars):
It's Alright. :O Unknown author (2012-02-09 02:08:55):
It's Ok you need to improve Daniel W. (2012-02-13 18:19:16):
The move hotspot is off Matias0211 (2012-03-20 21:30:28 / 3 stars):
Mmm, buenos, esta buena tu idea me gusta bubbles47 (2013-06-30 16:26:37):
I love em! -< Unknown author (2015-06-06 04:27:38):
I Love It AJaxx (2016-01-10 21:09:45):
Original author/file from 2011: Next_cursor by tchiro Unknown author (2016-04-25 13:49:16):
wassssuo guys Unknown author (2016-06-30 00:20:46):
I think wait.ani rocks. it reminds me of the matrix, for sure! Unknown author (2017-09-19 01:29:21):
Wow! You Made Marix Cursors With Next Cursors! So, The Help & Move Cursor Hotspots Are Incorrect, Juanello. Unknown author (2017-09-22 10:02:54):
Thank you very much for your Icon Unknown author (2020-03-13 10:51:07):
you hacker windaws 7