NEOC (2012-03-27 01:40:16 / 4.5 stars):
Mamma mia… Sin palabras, muy bueno. Pero eso sí, evita la animación excesiva y vistosa: esos cursores cansan rápido; ten en cuenta que uno está viendo en todo momento su cursor, y si Mario anda dando culatazos en el cursor más usado (Selección Normal) no sé cuánto tiempo duraría usando un cursor así. sosnh (2012-03-28 03:39:43 / 4.5 stars):
It is nice, but It looks just like the one that was released a few minutes before this one was. Though it is really nice. The textures make it look comical. I enjoyed using the cursors. Virum64 (2012-03-29 18:34:37 / 5 stars):
Cool Bubblez (2012-03-31 02:40:11 / 4 stars):
It looks nice and has good animation with good timing and actions very well done but I think you can make your mario cursors more clear and not blury. SORRY FORGOT TO RATE, HERE IT IS!!!!
mrmcgoo (2012-05-11 13:47:10):
Nice! Unknown author (2012-09-09 01:21:46): Unknown author (2012-10-14 19:05:13):
Que Cursores Chidos Unknown author (2012-11-21 21:39:26):
no handwriting? 5uperdyl (2013-01-07 14:25:01):
Man, that is AWESOME (!*1000(97)) HNMunchey (2013-03-05 23:14:58 / 4 stars):
Nice! I'm a big fan of these cursers...... Unknown author (2013-03-08 13:23:56):
Awesome! Unknown author (2013-03-12 22:26:26):
Sono un grandisssssssssssssimo fan di questi cursori, e gli dò un testificato di "essere fighi" Ive (2013-04-20 09:10:46 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2013-12-05 23:44:48):
cool and aWSOME i agree it is totally awsome Unknown author (2014-07-04 13:22:57):
NISE Unknown author (2015-10-16 05:37:18):
These cursors are............. THATS HOW YOU KNOW YOU MESSED UP. nibbler (2016-04-13 18:07:52 / 5 stars):
You forgot the Handwriting. This is an amazing set! I LOVE Mario! Unknown author (2016-06-04 01:01:28):
Is it just me or does sometimes the cursor disappears but other then that 10/10 Unknown author (2016-06-20 02:38:37):
FlamingueroXD (2016-07-18 16:47:39 / 5 stars):
Está muy bien hecho 58629 (2017-01-27 02:24:45 / 4 stars):
Great! Are these from an old version of Super Mario Galaxy? SuperTedderz (2018-03-23 19:31:50 / 5 stars):
PLEASE DO LUIGI!!!! Unknown author (2019-04-01 22:00:22):
really good Unknown author (2020-03-07 17:40:10):
que paso con el de handrigit (escritura a mano solo que no se escribirlo ok) Unknown author (2021-02-18 19:47:16):
legal!!!!!! incrive Skyblack (2022-06-10 12:53:16 / 5 stars):
Very Gud Unknown author (2024-01-31 08:27:13):
wow |