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Unknown author (2008-07-10 00:00:00):

hello i am a 13 year old girl and i love this websid coz i love all the kool lil pic lol.
this boi in my class has the one off the woman and her tiss he love it he get a well you know lol xx
have a gd gd g8t time looking at all the pic lol xxxx
well love you all from amy and her boyfriens bob xxx

Unknown author (2008-07-18 00:00:00):

Lol shut up little girl. And I hope we're not talking about the same MATURE things.

Unknown author (2008-07-24 00:00:00):

you have make a mistake falco ins't more in ssb.


luckydice (2008-07-26 00:00:00):

Kirby is good for a cursor with his hand in the air. And were did you get a wolf picture like that?

luckydice (2008-07-26 00:00:00):

And who ever that is at the top of this comment list, you do know little children use this program? I mean, this ain't myspace!

Unknown author (2009-03-19 23:42:05):

(and the girl at the top...freaky)

Unknown author (2009-05-25 06:10:02):

like hith im a FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i like cursors yes yes i do

Unknown author (2009-06-25 12:45:14):

i love this web site :-)

Unknown author (2009-11-04 15:52:17):

ur crappyyyyyyyyyy g2k malice

Unknown author (2011-08-13 15:48:59):

heh wow you have disgraced the name of 13 year olds everywhere

Unknown author (2011-08-13 15:49:36):

The one above is talking about the top comment

Unknown author (2013-11-08 14:42:26):


Darth Vaper (2016-07-05 13:20:55 / 1 stars):


Not that impressed..

snickerdoodle (2019-11-16 22:08:38 / 4 stars):

cute but samus and fox have their hot spots in the wrong place and you could definitely make more ! my favorite is kirby

Unknown author (2019-12-13 17:59:18):

Make ganondorf

BloxMan (2023-07-27 14:17:06):

This is just stolen images from internet :-(

xTikans (2024-05-09 20:56:33):

Dang fr? I thought this man put hours of effort with his sweat and blood into making this cursor set! I guess the truth hurts sometimes.. :-(

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