Unknown author (2013-12-29 16:44:02):
it is .... amazing cursor Sullindir (2013-12-30 08:50:57):
Thank you! I am glad you think so! ^_^ Unknown author (2013-12-30 17:24:29):
this... Sullindir (2014-01-01 05:21:47):
Thanks so much! ^_^ Unknown author (2014-01-02 04:34:21):
guy's i have downloaded this, can anyone tell me how to use it?? Sullindir (2014-01-02 06:54:57):
What is your operating system? Unknown author (2014-01-03 04:09:17):
is this a virus? Sullindir (2014-01-03 05:55:30):
It is not a virus. What you see above are a set of cursor pointers for the PC. Unknown author (2014-01-17 15:37:25):
i love it i think it's really cool Sullindir (2014-01-17 22:38:25):
THanks so much! I am glad you like it! Unknown author (2014-01-21 21:58:47):
nice Sullindir (2014-01-22 00:36:44):
Thanks! ^_^ Unknown author (2014-01-27 19:00:49):
Had to instantly download it, thanks man! Sullindir (2014-01-29 01:45:13):
"Had to instantly download it, thanks man!" Certainly! I am glad it's working out so well for you! ^_^ Unknown author (2014-01-30 05:02:39):
I have tried to download it at school on my personal computer but cannot why? i really like these cursors and want them please help?? Unknown author (2014-01-30 06:54:25):
Ohh cool!! Unknown author (2014-02-01 13:35:08):
why all animated? good though Sullindir (2014-02-04 10:27:48):
"I have tried to download it at school on my personal computer but cannot why? i really like these cursors and want them please help?? Do you normally have problems downloading ZIP files over your school's network? It might be a restriction imposed on you by the network. "Ohh cool!! "why all animated? good though" Oh, do you have an aversion to animated cursors? Why might that be? Unknown author (2014-03-03 01:48:41):
sup dude you must make more download srait away Sullindir (2014-03-03 10:18:24):
"sup dude you must make more download srait away Unfortunately, I need a better computer before I can play more Creed. I have ACII in my Steam library waiting for when that happens. Unknown author (2014-10-26 02:21:33):
Omg swag, :P DodgersFan227 (2015-05-27 10:37:46):
wow AJaxx (2016-04-06 18:35:54 / 4 stars):
I like the set. One thing, some of them appear pixelated or rough around the edges (others don't) and the text hot spot should be in the center of the cursor. Good work. Darth Vaper (2016-07-05 08:10:49 / 3 stars):
Not bad. Would be 5 stars if they weren't as pixelated. Unknown author (2017-02-05 14:29:07):
how do I set them, they look sick btw Unknown author (2021-05-10 14:03:18):