Sree (2014-02-24 14:07:46):
You didn't animate the loader in the 'Working in background' cursor. Still good. Big Mac (2014-02-24 14:26:58 / 4.5 stars):
That is actually really cool. Keep up the good work! Chess (2014-02-25 03:30:41):
Thanks for the positive feedback, it is always welcome! And thanks Sree for telling me about my mistake on the Working in Background cursor. I've fixed it so the blue loader is animated. I've also changed the 'Busy' cursor so it has a lighter border, which I think looks nicer. I'll try to keep the cursors coming! Unknown author (2014-02-25 22:30:36):
how do I do this??? Ludwig (2014-02-26 21:02:01 / 5 stars):
Nice texture! Really good set. PS: Do you like chess as much as I do? Unknown author (2014-02-26 22:51:17):
You need to add the rest of the curses like / arrows Really enjoy though brilliant can't wait till other ones come out Chess (2014-02-27 04:37:24):
Thank you! And yes, Ludwig, chess so happens to be my favorite game, hence my name! As for not including all the cursors, I only made the most commonly used ones on Windows. However, I will continue to add the rest of them over time. Unknown author (2014-02-28 17:47:39):
Make the same thing but have fire please Chess (2014-03-01 03:55:28):
Alright, added the rest of the Windows cursors! And I like that idea of making a fire themed cursor set. Once I find enough time, will do! SYNTHCRѺ (2014-03-01 14:28:30 / 4.5 stars):
The animation is amazing, but you forgot to set the hot spot for the link select cursor. If you fix this, message me and I will give you 5 stars. -Synthcro Jason (2014-03-05 23:13:02 / 4.5 stars):
The water looks so smooth running, I downloaded the whole set. cdl (2014-03-28 00:00:02 / 4 stars):
I wonder if you tried reversing the flow effect to glide downward rather than upward? They are quite good but do appear to resemble cloud cover or puffs of smoke a bit.. water is a hard effect and you did a great job!.. aside from that offset Link Select hotspot.
twtscat55 (2014-04-03 14:11:27 / 5 stars):
Great Job!!! Melissa517 (2014-04-05 03:35:45 / 5 stars):
Great Job on them cursers! Unknown author (2014-04-15 11:36:02):
unavailable cursor hotspot error Unknown author (2014-04-17 20:08:47):
i got an error cuv (2014-05-07 04:14:31 / 4 stars):
They remind me more of clouds than they do water- but I can still see the water effect. These cursors were beautifully made otherwise. Chess (2014-05-08 06:06:28):
Sorry about any problems with the cursors, I added a new link select cursor with a fixed hotspot. And thank you for all the positive feedback! I've added a new cursor set that is the counterpart to this set, Roaring Flames Cursors. Feel free to check them out! Unknown author (2014-09-18 02:18:18):
I deleted all my other cursors for this amazing set. Nice! Unknown author (2014-10-09 17:11:43):
I can not Unknown author (2015-01-12 17:40:56):
bullet 1 Mahlzeit (2015-06-22 01:49:02 / 5 stars):
Amazin Unknown author (2015-12-28 10:01:00):
Nice but only one thing, I'm just too tired to create a account here. Unknown author (2016-05-30 16:31:25):
I love it! Unknown author (2017-01-18 16:10:47):
super toll snickerdoodle (2019-11-25 00:41:36 / 5 stars):
kewl but the unavailable hot spot should be in the middle of the cursor, it'll make it look better Unknown author (2020-05-29 21:40:43):
can you make a smaller one Unknown author (2020-08-06 05:52:56):
smaller please Unknown author (2020-09-05 18:34:11):
FANTASTIC i love it Unknown author (2020-11-22 20:09:11):
It's really good but it's too big lol Unknown author (2021-01-30 07:04:23):
IT IS SOOOOO BIG Unknown author (2021-02-02 17:05:00):
could you make the water_location and water_person? Un.known (2021-09-28 23:09:27):
great Unknown author (2022-08-08 22:34:00):
cool |