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? (2015-07-25 15:34:04):

geht so ^^

Unknown author (2015-07-25 16:54:34):

bom bom...

HusenPo (2015-07-26 06:02:49 / 5 stars):

i like busy cursors :-D

J (2015-07-26 13:58:37 / 3.5 stars):

Well you said Hawkeye cursors,at least they should be something that resembles to the Hawkeye.
Also they are too tiny. :-(

JacK (2015-07-27 00:54:35 / 4 stars):

Cool there is a lot but make something that is actually about Hawkeye :-D


cdl (2015-08-22 17:10:18 / 3.5 stars):

Congratulations on your 1st cursor set!

Yes they a small, think they were designed that way.. as per the name TinyHawkeye Cursors.

Some shadows are cut off and Hor2 has a screwy hotspot. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!
icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

daitalos (2016-01-01 10:21:32 / 4 stars):


RIDDLER (2020-01-12 23:56:49 / 5 stars):


Some of your hotspots needs fixing.

When making cursor sets next time, please verify that all your hotspots are in the correct place.

Unknown author (2020-12-04 18:39:43):


Unknown author (2021-05-24 16:45:11):

Its nice... and its ok if they're too tiny... THEY'RE MORE CUTER!!

Unknown author (2021-11-10 15:47:37):

I like the idea of the Hawkeyes

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