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RWCursor (2015-12-05 06:03:18 / 1 stars):

1 star

AJaxx (2015-12-05 13:45:39):

Thank you.

Half_Star (2015-12-08 17:52:23 / 0.5 stars):

I vote half star.

AJaxx (2015-12-08 21:21:53):

Don't hate - appreciate!


Unknown author (2015-12-13 02:06:26):

question, does the animations one work with my macbook running el capitan

AJaxx (2015-12-13 03:57:39):

Windows run .cur or .ani files which is what these cursors are.

*I checked and they should work. I can't find anything that states why they shouldn't.


Unknown author (2018-06-12 20:47:29):

clickbate name, misleading that this is a cursor pack from diablo the game

Xudatxa Copacabana (2018-09-22 15:58:13 / 4.5 stars):

Eu não respondo comentários facilmente. Hoje estou usando esses cursores; e vejo que esse cursor tem uma excelente precisão em cliques. São bons esses cursores.

Xudatxa Copacabana (2018-11-07 21:29:35):

O original valor seria 4.5 mas, 1 estrela não. 1 estrela é coisa de invejoso e pior, porque esse usuário imbecil que te avaliou, usando o nome de RWCursor é um pilantra, está tentando se passar por dono do site. icon-image/16390-16x16x32.png image |-)

Vlazteron (2019-12-02 20:35:27 / 5 stars):

I don't know why people hate, this set is very nice. I vote 5/5 stars.

Ezrah562 (2020-10-29 17:18:23):

5/5 stars THIS IS COOL 8-) 8-) :-o :-o

Unknown author (2025-02-12 01:25:07):


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