Lavaskin (2015-12-14 08:29:52 / 5 stars):
Its just like the cursors on a Mac, and its very easy to use. No complaints. Unknown author (2015-12-19 19:36:52):
this is so great wow this is great mlg Unknown author (2015-12-21 21:44:15):
Thank you, works and looks great. Unknown author (2015-12-23 12:16:13):
umm,i already have a mac Unknown author (2016-01-06 18:50:57):
THANK :* Lisa (2016-01-27 18:42:52 / 5 stars):
Ilove that nibbler (2016-02-26 19:12:49):
Thanks! Unknown author (2016-03-06 04:27:23):
does anything happen to a windows when using the mac mouse pointers and than when u shut down? Unknown author (2016-03-15 16:38:10):
nibbler (2016-03-15 17:08:12):
@ Anonymous user who wrote: Too many smileys. Only 5 can be maximum for rating from Anonymous Users, but one is enough for everyone. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ Anonymous user who wrote: Two answers are visible. Hope you find out when you shut down! Unknown author (2016-03-26 17:32:02):
I love THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nibbler (2016-03-28 14:53:29):
nibbler (2016-04-12 18:32:58):
There is an updated link select, working in background and busy because Apple updated their Mac OS X Versions. nibbler (2016-05-05 22:07:12):
Oh, and 2 more hand cursors. nibbler (2016-05-20 20:11:55):
And two more hand cursors I have edited. Unknown author (2016-05-22 21:28:04):
can you add the new text cursor of mac pls ? nibbler (2016-05-23 14:53:34):
Dunno what it looks like. nibbler (2016-05-24 20:15:54):
Added the Cursor Finder Normal Select.cur. Unknown author (2016-05-30 15:08:50):
Nice! Unknown author (2016-06-04 20:17:28):
I m frenche je vais parler français ! I like you site or cursor i am sorry or faute orthographe Unknown author (2016-06-05 16:12:48):
add the new text cursor Unknown author (2016-06-05 17:15:54):
Good nibbler (2016-06-06 16:38:36):
Thanks! Unknown author (2016-06-08 13:12:23):
Your welcome Vinickw (2016-07-01 01:41:27 / 5 stars):
This set was pretty cool, and it's what I use Unknown author (2016-08-02 23:21:31):
omg i love it
Unknown author (2016-08-03 11:49:47):
C nul ya des contours nibbler (2016-08-09 17:57:26):
Thanks for all of the reviews! Unknown author (2016-08-27 23:00:14):
GOOD nibbler (2016-08-29 15:08:08):
Thanks! Unknown author (2016-09-29 00:57:13):
:-)you should make a minecraft one but after all good job Unknown author (2016-10-02 17:07:47):
Merci beaucoup ! J'aime beaucoup ce site Unknown author (2016-10-31 11:30:18):
Merci sa faite longtemps que je voulais ce curseur nibbler (2016-10-31 14:09:47):
De rien! Unknown author (2016-12-03 14:04:57):
Je trouve sa Nikel Croom '-'♥ les rajeux arreter Unknown author (2017-01-14 20:46:56):
C'est vraiment génial, depuis le temps que je voulais les curseur mac, merci beaucoup. ((: . ♥ Unknown author (2017-01-15 16:01:22):
C'est cool mais ya le contour Unknown author (2017-01-22 12:12:29):
Merciiii pour le mac Merciiii pour le mac Nibbler Unknown author (2017-01-30 22:01:55):
ich Krig das net Hin! Unknown author (2017-02-05 19:13:15):
trop cool Unknown author (2017-02-21 16:09:11):
cool nibbler (2017-02-21 16:11:16):
Thanks for the comments! Unknown author (2017-02-22 01:32:06):
ATTENTION CE NEST PAS LE VRAI CURSOR MAC IL A DES OMBRES !"!!" nibbler (2017-02-22 14:56:34):
It actually is, dude! Unknown author (2017-03-24 17:24:02):
bien '-' Unknown author (2017-03-26 03:30:41):
Kewl cursors! Unknown author (2017-03-26 15:58:52):
Il est super le : The New Link Select ou chais pas quoi Unknown author (2017-04-01 21:17:22):
H=Grave Bien Le TRUC J'ai Tout Mis Unknown author (2017-04-03 12:01:39):
Merci Pour Le Mac Unknown author (2017-04-09 13:25:48):
C'est lequel le curseur select le vrai ? Celui de geuche ou celui de droite?? | -) : -o Unknown author (2017-05-07 17:50:08):
Great! Thank you very much. Unknown author (2017-05-22 00:27:42):
merci on dirait que mon hp est un macbook ! Unknown author (2017-07-11 11:01:41):
T con c'est toi t'active mettre l'ombre du pointeur Unknown author (2017-07-11 20:37:08):
J'adore x) Unknown author (2017-10-11 13:30:24):
enfaite je vais tourner et vous faire un ebub sur ma chiane Unknown author (2017-10-18 12:12:08):
J'adore ce site mais le seul truck un peu nul c'est que pour le the new link a comme une ombre blanche un peu byzzard Unknown author (2017-10-26 10:52:08):
J'ai essayer, ça m'a mis un photo de la souris que je veux x) Unknown author (2017-12-23 18:32:18):
Grave bien le site Unknown author (2017-12-26 20:43:47):
merci pour le curseur mac super realiste j'adore je fais tourner se site sur ma chaine YouTube : Lolalisime MSP aller vous abonner merci Unknown author (2018-01-06 19:22:02):
OMG Lolalisisme MSP je te suit Unknown author (2018-01-10 15:45:47):
OMG je suis sur un mac Unknown author (2018-02-03 13:51:12):
C'est surpert je filme ma chaine Bonjour Anna Unknown author (2018-02-19 15:51:23):
Sais pas possible que se sois bonjour anna Sinon j'adore le site Unknown author (2018-02-25 15:47:26):
J'adore merci beaucoup Unknown author (2018-03-15 20:28:00):
cool Unknown author (2018-03-25 12:52:24):
Merci beaucoup pour se site il ma bien aider Unknown author (2018-03-29 19:58:53):
Mdr Lolalisime MSP Tu traine ici ? Diniou msp toi aussi tu traine ici ? Bonjour Anna toi aussi ? Super moi ma chaine c'est Sofia Queen MSP Unknown author (2018-04-02 04:01:51):
omgggggggg LOLASIME JE TE SUIT JES UN MAC?! Unknown author (2018-04-22 17:40:48):
cooollll mais j arrive pas Unknown author (2018-04-28 00:20:01):
Bonjour Un grand merci pour vos curseurs Mac même si je suis Unknown author (2018-04-28 13:24:58):
Merci je peux avoir un curseur MAC OS X ! Unknown author (2018-08-05 22:11:28):
Oh ici y'a Bonjour Anna y'a Diniou mais devinez quoi ? Bah moi je suis la reine d'Angleterre. Vous pouvez pas savoir c'est "Anonymous. Unknown author (2018-08-20 23:17:02):
jaime les pates et ce curseur lol Unknown author (2018-08-31 17:56:39):
qui a msp? Unknown author (2018-09-01 11:14:45):
sa marche mes vla est se qui joue ah msp mon pseudo mailisa141 Unknown author (2018-10-03 19:38:13):
Wsh tes qui? Unknown author (2018-10-12 20:33:57):
ca marche ! merci ! Unknown author (2018-10-27 22:53:28):
Ca marche ! Merci ! <3 Unknown author (2018-10-28 13:49:39):
merci bcp Unknown author (2018-10-30 16:34:26):
sa marche pas :'( Unknown author (2018-11-11 17:09:39):
Coucou Unknown author (2018-12-01 11:31:50):
SA DATTEEE DE OUFF nibbler (2019-01-10 21:57:35):
So many foreign people! Kitkatwooshy (2019-01-23 19:52:05):
Yep, i am french too. Man they play moviestarplanet too Unknown author (2019-02-13 13:24:14):
J'aime bcp car on dirait le vrai curseur MAC mrc bcp Unknown author (2019-05-12 16:04:08):
Very good cursors! nibbler (2019-05-13 15:42:52):
Thanks, guys! Unknown author (2019-06-12 22:12:52):
i love it so much Unknown author (2019-06-28 23:51:24):
Merci grâce a vous j'ai l'impression d'être sur mac : -o :-RÉ Unknown author (2019-07-03 20:32:24):
Merci a ceux qui on crée ce site vous avez réalisée mon rêve d'enfant Unknown author (2019-08-13 21:09:17):
GREATE! Mistake: if Nvm i found it Unknown author (2019-08-15 12:29:12):
Cc je suis une fille mon msp: lolcoolstar71 Unknown author (2019-09-14 14:43:48):
Cc anonymous je vais t'ajoute sur msp xD
nibbler (2019-09-26 19:56:15):
OMG. How many foreign comments need to be here?! Unknown author (2019-10-06 13:00:39):
non dsl Unknown author (2019-11-04 21:15:14):
Unknown author (2020-01-19 01:21:41):
thank u so much now i can flex and say i have mac lol Unknown author (2020-01-27 19:43:11):
yes its good Unknown author (2020-02-04 21:17:58):
nul s'est pas securiser fait attention Mon MSP c'est : Blandinette8 ajouter moi
voilà Unknown author (2020-03-13 22:13:53):
Gud I like I feel like im on my laptop even tho its my pc MinebloxTMR (2020-03-28 22:23:29):
hi Unknown author (2020-06-02 04:32:40):
hello Unknown author (2020-06-02 05:14:40):
add location mice and people? plz Unknown author (2020-06-02 05:18:48):
Can u update this? Unknown author (2020-06-13 03:42:03):
xD lol I can flex I have max xD Unknown author (2020-06-14 09:11:17):
Abonnez vous a Juliana msp Unknown author (2020-06-26 14:54:37):
NICE Unknown author (2020-07-20 04:31:40):
pretty cool Pink (2020-07-28 00:40:13):
ol Unknown author (2020-08-06 18:02:14):
Unknown author (2020-08-06 21:55:20):
how do i instal on my mac? Unknown author (2020-09-22 12:22:45):
this is so weird that we are all anonymous ROBLOX (2020-10-01 23:31:36 / 5 stars):
thanks buuuu (2020-10-07 00:09:00):
heolo Unknown author (2020-10-23 00:32:41):
loove it my sister deleted my macbook curor from my mac XP she stupid but thanks!! Unknown author (2020-10-27 20:42:09):
Nice. But could u plz make the location select and person select? Carby202 (2020-11-05 18:32:52):
How do I use the mac grabbing cursor on windows? Unknown author (2020-11-24 18:33:11):
nices pepol prees ing this is a cool looking mouse cursor i wanted i macbook but thank fulle i have this in my hands YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THNAKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS VER Unknown author (2020-12-14 22:58:37):
how do you use the grabbing cursors on Windows? Unknown author (2020-12-19 04:34:06):
is this one good? Unknown author (2020-12-27 21:01:58):
Unknown author (2021-01-03 03:53:30):
Fantastic! Unknown author (2021-01-03 05:26:11):
Fantastic , but I hope that you can make these cursors like DeviantArt website Unknown author (2021-01-14 11:02:41):
I LOVE MY NEW CUSOR Unknown author (2021-01-28 10:10:08):
How to use grabbing cursor in Windows ? Unknown author (2021-01-30 16:13:12):
nice job feels great having the mac cursor Unknown author (2021-02-02 15:03:07):
yayeet Unknown author (2021-02-03 20:37:08):
:-)this is the coolest mac osx cursor nice work for real!!!! IG Flaming (2021-02-04 02:43:47 / 4.5 stars):
nice Unknown author (2021-02-08 20:02:12):
POG WATER Unknown author (2021-02-24 14:57:11):
LOVE IT BUT WHERE IS THE PERSON AND LOCATION SELECT?? Unknown author (2021-03-01 13:58:09):
Vraiment merci énormément je chercher depuis pas male de temps et j'ai enfin trouvé ! Unknown author (2021-03-01 21:44:25):
Bruh c trop nule ce truc de plus rien de marche et les gens avec ce site vous allez vous faire hacker Unknown author (2021-03-02 13:33:56):
This is so cool now i added all mac this is the coolest cursor on a DELL Insane Games (2021-03-02 20:09:13):
From cursors-4u Unknown author (2021-03-05 15:24:44):
We can legit have mac cursors in windows lol Unknown author (2021-03-05 17:27:33):
Yeah i know Unknown author (2021-03-27 17:40:45):
good Unknown author (2021-04-07 16:34:28):
EPIC Unknown author (2021-04-20 13:22:43):
OMG GRACE A UNE YOUTUBEUSE G PUUU ENFINNN AVOIR LE CURSEUR MAC!!!!:) Unknown author (2021-04-27 14:49:44):
Unknown author (2021-05-16 13:44:06):
this is coool!!! Unknown author (2021-05-31 20:13:19):
je suis le meilleur car je n'est pas eu besoin de ses site mes du site mac qui est setifié lui Unknown author (2021-06-03 05:48:13):
this soo cool on windows because i dont have to get a macbook to just have the cursor. Unknown author (2021-06-10 11:30:29):
finally!! tysm i found it Unknown author (2021-06-19 08:33:27):
nice! but- which cursor does the 'location select' and 'person select' has to be put? Unknown author (2021-07-17 11:36:19):
ok Unknown author (2021-07-31 00:50:59):
e Unknown author (2021-08-17 17:51:49):
trop biennn Unknown author (2021-08-18 03:13:41):
minha pika nibbler (2021-09-12 16:13:10):
Thanks, guys (even those who don't know what they are talking about)! @Anonymous who wrote:
I would use the link select cursor image as placeholders until I get hands on with the right cursors. Now I got the cursors working! Unknown author (2021-09-30 05:19:08):
I really like it Unknown author (2021-10-05 05:35:36):
Really good! Unknown author (2021-10-23 13:36:12):
It's nice!! Unknown author (2021-11-24 11:51:28):
woooooowww iits woooow tank Unknown author (2021-12-11 11:35:45):
hiii its really good i can text people but they are not online tho or not using this site or they just try it out tho so yeah Unknown author (2022-02-08 08:20:16):
trash Unknown author (2022-04-27 15:43:21):
cool mais es ce que on peut avoir un virus Unknown author (2022-05-20 10:51:20):
Unknown author (2022-07-27 12:36:57):
thx for the cursors Unknown author (2022-11-20 04:24:39):
VERY good cursors Unknown author (2023-04-09 13:50:49):
I LOVE IT THX SO MUCHH Mik ike (2023-04-13 20:13:55):
nice jjob 10/10 Unknown author (2023-06-12 19:33:51):
ME LOVE IT Unknown author (2023-06-21 12:05:32):
I hate the Ani I cant put it in my cursor on I need to be png not ani nibbler (2023-06-21 20:11:53):
are you using CursorFX/CursorXP? Unknown author (2023-08-03 09:36:57):
Unknown author (2023-10-21 16:41:46):
goddddd Unknown author (2023-12-15 03:00:02):
nice it even works with virtual machines Unknown author (2024-08-17 13:57:28):
the best cursors are the windows cursors Unknown author (2024-09-16 09:54:30):
ni mst Unknown author (2024-10-16 13:30:11):
akakak boy nibler boy Unknown author (2025-02-15 16:13:18):
OH MY GOD i like it. |