nibbler (2016-02-26 18:57:59 / 4.5 stars):
The hotspots on these cursors are offset. This is an amazing set! Unknown author (2016-02-27 03:39:12):
The busy and working in background are reversed. Unknown author (2016-04-03 20:44:20):
BOSSS Unknown author (2016-04-21 19:45:23):
SUPER BONE-COOL! Unknown author (2016-05-05 01:07:22):
these are great but my little bro needs some could you make some papyrus cursers?... but if you don't... youre going to have a bad time Unknown author (2016-05-05 04:12:13):
these are great but my little bro needs some could you make some papyrus cursors?... but if you don't... youre going to have a bad time -_- Ultima (2016-05-05 17:22:15):
Papyrus' sprite doesn't fit in the 32x32 cursor area, so his legs would be cut off or something (unless that's what you want :P) Unknown author (2016-05-28 20:43:31):
WOW! Unknown author (2016-06-19 11:14:58):
BEST THING EVER IM GONNA USE IT!! from Bella2431 Unknown author (2016-08-06 17:56:38):
It won't let me get it, is there a software I need to use it? Unknown author (2016-08-10 17:13:43):
now i have sans cursor Unknown author (2016-08-29 01:29:45):
YASS I LOVE SANS :3 Unknown author (2016-09-01 04:30:14):
SO cool SO cool SO cool SO cool SO cool Unknown author (2016-09-09 22:36:23):
THIS IS AMAZING Unknown author (2016-09-16 14:33:56):
This so SANSational BTW Unknown author (2016-10-23 10:27:01):
Unknown author (2016-11-02 04:57:24):
cool! Unknown author (2016-11-28 20:37:19):
So cool! Unknown author (2016-12-13 16:39:47):
GOOD Unknown author (2016-12-14 03:57:23):
SHUT THE FUCK UP SANS! Unknown author (2016-12-14 20:33:35):
OMG!!!!!!!!!ILOVE SANS!!!!!! Unknown author (2016-12-15 19:47:22):
this is really amazing! thank you for this Unknown author (2017-01-02 06:18:10):
it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing flowers are blooming... on days like these kids like you... Should be burning in HELL. huh always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first. Unknown author (2017-01-22 14:59:14):
cool!!!!!! Unknown author (2017-02-07 18:13:14):
*megalovania intensifies* Unknown author (2017-02-13 04:22:16):
sans is about to slap u Unknown author (2017-02-21 10:11:05):
YEH YEH YEH DESU Unknown author (2017-02-23 18:04:04):
so cool so cool so cool Unknown author (2017-03-24 21:56:57):
heya kiddo. im sans. sans the cursor. -skipping loads of text- Unknown author (2017-05-13 20:27:08):
i like it Unknown author (2017-05-24 20:26:49):
this cursor fills me with DETERMINATION Unknown author (2017-07-26 19:54:31):
It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these, kids like you... should be playing online. Huh, always wondered why people never play outside anymore Hanif Nick (2017-07-30 01:37:55 / 5 stars):
cool!!! Unknown author (2017-09-02 04:50:40):
it's a beautiful day outside. Hanif Nick (2017-09-15 04:57:17):
do you mean S H O U L B E B U R N I N G I N H E L L try learn spell right Unknown author (2017-09-26 23:56:10):
hai Unknown author (2017-10-13 18:01:32):
pls make a glowing eye sans cursor pllllllllllssssssssssssssssss Unknown author (2018-05-09 02:28:24):
OwO Moracan (2018-06-15 07:02:00 / 5 stars):
I love it!!! Unknown author (2018-07-10 23:17:16):
thank you Kanye, very cool. Unknown author (2018-09-01 00:27:26):
Unknown author (2018-12-06 12:42:23):
its amazing Unknown author (2018-12-21 13:57:17):
very cool kanye Unknown author (2018-12-24 13:36:07):
Amazing cursor really! Unknown author (2019-01-14 00:22:07):
epic Unknown author (2019-01-22 14:38:59):
add me on roblox, @KimlipsElbow Unknown author (2019-02-02 18:40:31):
How do we get this on Mac? Unknown author (2019-02-22 19:14:55):
hwo do i use the cursors Unknown author (2019-04-10 21:07:16):
very cool and epic Unknown author (2019-05-01 16:04:36):
So guys, we did it, we reached a quarter of a million subscribers, 250,000 subscribers and still growing the fact that we've reached this number in such a short amount of time is just phenomenal, I'm-I'm just amazed. Thank you all so much for supporting this channel and helping it grow. I-I love you guys... You guys are just awesome. Unknown author (2019-05-09 09:40:20):
very cool i like this cursors Unknown author (2019-05-21 22:41:28):
its sans undertale Unknown author (2019-06-30 03:32:34):
this is truly epic gamer status and a magnitude ten bruh moment Unknown author (2019-08-04 08:25:49):
this dummy above me is a magnitude 20 bruh gamer not sans undertale moment Unknown author (2019-08-14 00:23:09):
I love sans Unknown author (2019-10-05 00:10:53):
How do you use the cursor? Im confused ;P Unknown author (2019-10-20 17:58:47):
i like it. 10/10, would recommend. Unknown author (2019-11-08 08:35:04):
How This is awesome Unknown author (2019-11-10 21:25:24):
Perfect for cringe Unknown author (2019-11-16 03:17:11):
i can't download... my antivirus keeps blocking it Unknown author (2019-12-06 05:04:01):
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Unknown author (2020-02-08 20:11:08):
Top D+ Unknown author (2020-03-14 06:36:36):
Dont know how to use it :/ Unknown author (2020-04-03 22:17:42):
wtf ung fart Unknown author (2020-05-10 23:43:14):
I would love to also have a location select and person select cursor Unknown author (2020-06-03 01:01:20):
me come bruna Unknown author (2020-08-11 16:19:25):
Круто :-Д
:-Д Unknown author (2020-08-12 18:09:39):
a Unknown author (2020-09-15 17:42:15):
this is great! i'm using it right now! NoobGamrrr22 (2020-09-21 02:31:16 / 4.5 stars):
4.5/5 Unknown author (2020-09-25 18:14:38):
plz help me turn it on Yoon_0117 (2020-09-30 11:34:07):
The design is perfect but the mouse spots are in the air Unknown author (2021-01-27 14:49:42):
how do you use it - _ - Unknown author (2021-01-27 18:42:56):
HOW DO I EQUIP IT?!?!?!? >:O Unknown author (2021-02-08 19:52:43):
just watch a tutorial m8 on yt and if u have a school pc then just delete that in ur history Unknown author (2021-02-17 01:42:26):
its good as hec Unknown author (2021-03-04 18:29:52):
Unknown author (2021-07-02 02:52:45):
eu sou feio Unknown author (2021-08-04 12:14:00):
Unknown author (2021-08-10 21:31:51):
gay Unknown author (2021-08-29 13:04:13):
idk Unknown author (2021-10-12 08:50:38):
lajk it Unknown author (2021-11-20 22:24:03):
for the 2 iq idiots out here, download this, then search Mouse in your device settings, now click additional mouse opt. and you will see a tab, at the top of the tab there is 5 options, click pointers and then click browse, when browsing go to this pc and then go to downloads, you will see the .cur images you downloaded and then click it then click open, and then it works. also hi mason. Unknown author (2021-12-19 00:25:52):
Unknown author (2022-01-22 21:48:20):
sans is so cool omg Unknown author (2022-02-25 14:09:48):
penes Unknown author (2022-07-27 07:01:43):
wtf Unknown author (2022-09-01 12:57:04):
i love sans Unknown author (2022-09-10 21:33:45):
i want sans to impregnate me Unknown author (2022-09-14 11:45:42):
Unknown author (2022-09-23 16:36:32):
omg pvz ultimate edition Unknown author (2022-10-15 00:57:54):
まあまあかな Unknown author (2022-10-25 09:49:49):
sans is so hot daddy ayo Unknown author (2023-01-19 23:59:34):
These comments jesus people Unknown author (2023-04-01 02:20:37):
UMM WHAT IS WRONG WITH YALL IN A PRO PRE ITTTT Unknown author (2023-04-22 18:02:05):
sands underman Unknown author (2023-05-18 16:57:09):
what is this bro Unknown author (2023-06-26 04:15:13):
PEE PEE Unknown author (2023-09-21 13:15:14):
ちんこ わつぃは
おまんこ Unknown author (2024-01-15 17:48:10):
um Unknown author (2024-02-16 13:59:02):
wot Unknown author (2024-05-15 00:43:59):
sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2024-11-17 05:45:57):
wtf Unknown author (2024-12-20 01:06:04):
what is going on? |