mrmcgoo (2009-07-30 16:11:12):
These are really good! Great job! sixλxis (2009-10-21 20:37:22 / 4.5 stars):
i... love pikachu. 9/10 Unknown author (2010-09-15 22:50:49):
Unknown author (2011-01-11 18:49:23):
Unknown author (2011-06-12 01:25:35):
Whath!? Unknown author (2012-02-12 22:09:51):
I love Pikachu Matias0211 (2012-03-17 23:11:34):
Cycling pikachu rosa? wtf :P Unknown author (2013-04-07 01:51:28):
love pikachu :b ^-^ Unknown author (2015-06-11 08:36:05):
I guess its fine Unknown author (2016-09-05 23:20:09):
loaf pikachu <3 nibbler (2016-11-10 17:08:10 / 4 stars):
@Anonymous who wrote:
I wrote: This is an amazing set. Shame it's not complete. Please complete the set by expanding it. I will add another Unknown author (2018-04-02 19:09:03):
yeety boi sucking dem toes Y U H !!! TyranicalRex (2018-10-08 18:08:06 / 4 stars):
Deez are very nice, very nice, but, uh, I must say, da cycling one's hot spot is a bit off, you should fix that, of add a pointer to et. Good detail though, I must say. Unknown author (2019-05-10 19:10:45):
hi me name yago what for name C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-21 00:45:47 / 4.5 stars):
cycling pikachu cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place. the other cursors are so cute! make more please! i love pikachu so much! snickerdoodle (2019-11-21 17:47:21 / 3.5 stars):
the cycling pikachu and ash cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place. i love the busy cursor, the animations, and the pikachu pointer. please make the other roles like the resizes, the move cursor, and precision select. they are so cute! |