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The Male Boss (2016-03-30 21:19:33):

this is good but i have seen another very simlar. icon-image/12494-16x16x32.png image/ icon-image/12489-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12488-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-03-31 04:04:54):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) 5 out of 5 smileys.

A good set for Windows 10.

nibbler (2016-03-31 13:00:34):

icon-image/10305-64x64x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-04-06 17:25:07):

:-) :-) :-) Awsome

Unknown author (2016-04-06 18:28:50):

Pls in white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(! :-(

nibbler (2016-04-06 18:38:03):

@Anonymous who wrote:
:-) :-) :-) Awsome
Thanks :-D

@Anonymous who wrote:
Pls in
:-(! :-(
Calm down. It is in white.

Unknown author (2016-04-08 16:05:01):

i will in white!

nibbler (2016-04-08 16:09:28):

@Anonymous who wrote:
i will in white!
This is in white.

Unknown author (2016-04-11 19:44:52):

Thaaanks my dream is cleared :-D

nibbler (2016-04-11 20:20:41):

You are Welcome!

TheLastOrder (2016-04-13 15:28:00 / 5 stars):

Nice work! :-D

nibbler (2016-04-13 15:59:14):

Thanks! :-D

Unknown author (2016-05-04 16:54:44):

+Spaceman, all white not grey..

nibbler (2016-05-04 17:55:56):


Spacegirl (2016-05-11 15:08:22):

can u7 this set in white? :-)

nibbler (2016-06-06 16:43:58):

I'm not sure what you mean.

Unknown author (2016-06-21 15:20:06):

What about the default cursors? You know, the ones Built-In with Win8... XD

nibbler (2016-10-12 20:03:29):

I can't upload those. I would get in trouble.

Unknown author (2017-07-19 05:39:11):

Know where I can find the non-beveled version?

Unknown author (2017-08-29 20:10:52):

Maybe on the other cursor websites.

Unknown author (2019-12-21 14:05:40):

Nice! :-D

Unknown author (2020-06-17 03:11:26):


Unknown author (2020-10-11 04:08:38):


i like!

Unknown author (2020-12-04 16:06:28):

Okay, so I have a question. How do you get the kind of pixelated cursor? Like you know when you click on a link a hand and finger pop up. I know there is a pixelated version of that and I'm trying to get it.

Unknown author (2021-01-11 20:33:20):

its very good I like it

Unknown author (2021-01-26 19:07:03):

they are nice and if anyone wants to draw there own cursors here is a link


⎛⎝⎠⎞ (2021-08-29 19:06:41):

i liked 8-)

Unknown author (2021-09-07 16:42:59):

nice 8-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-11-26 04:14:01):

my favorite
:-) :-)

Unknown author (2022-08-13 03:52:20):

This isn't even the right one

a_person (2022-10-08 06:48:11 / 4 stars):

kinda cool :-)

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