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Unknown author (2009-08-06 04:13:47):

make a lobster pot plz

Unknown author (2009-08-10 05:11:46):


Unknown author (2009-08-21 07:00:49):

make a ss sword plz

Unknown author (2009-08-27 20:47:51):

ye plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz saradomin sword its soooo ausm!
:S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S :S

Unknown author (2009-09-05 03:00:49):

lol these some cool cursors

Unknown author (2009-09-06 08:53:52):

make a red flashing zgs and blue shiny flashing ags?

Unknown author (2009-09-12 03:12:57):


Unknown author (2009-09-12 06:56:53):

Fletching cape curser please

Unknown author (2009-09-13 05:54:22):

how do you make the cursor??
please help!!

Unknown author (2009-09-16 19:57:48):

anonymous you pathetic!

Unknown author (2009-10-20 03:30:55):

what up with the godsword?

Unknown author (2009-10-26 02:04:02):

make all capes plz the more capes the more pplz

Unknown author (2009-12-29 05:37:55):

Make Target or Aiming ones. What ever you click it Flashes

Teddy (2010-01-26 15:41:08 / 4.5 stars):

this wishes with the blue flashin ags ... i could make it ^^
this is good work, grats
have fun,

Unknown author (2010-02-03 18:10:41):

this is awsome

Unknown author (2010-02-04 02:20:03):

wow these comentns are not like the youtube comments. the youtube comments are like what the well u know what i mean. btw nice crusors

Unknown author (2011-02-16 20:23:02):

Fuckin Sweet ;-)

Unknown author (2011-08-16 09:39:43):

nice but i got cooler ags cursor ;-)

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