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belkit (2016-07-25 17:15:49):

Watch this set as I will be adding more, to expand it to a full cursor set.

The Male Boss (2016-07-25 20:46:10):

icon-image/12495-16x16x32.png image/ icon-image/12489-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12488-16x16x32.png image
this is good so far
better than your other sets

belkit (2016-07-25 23:17:33):

Thank you its nice to get feedback so quickly, I just wish I could show up all the detail of the actual pictures I am using. Please point out any thing I am doing wrong. I feel that I am overlooking some important step but dont know what? Is it better than my other sets because of the subject or the way the cursors turned out?


Unknown author (2016-07-26 00:18:02):

i like jets

Maria (2016-08-16 22:57:42 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2016-09-14 20:29:16):

likes 8-)

Unknown author (2020-04-01 18:18:41):

add more mig jets pls

Unknown author (2020-09-22 11:11:34):

love those cursors

ww2 would be cool be 2 :-D

Unknown author (2020-12-10 16:07:40):

8/10, you need more cursors. Plus ww2 planes and vehicles.

Unknown author (2021-08-23 03:34:09):

yes add more 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-10-11 15:13:08):


Unknown author (2021-12-23 02:17:03):

haha fighter jet go vroom

Unknown author (2022-01-14 01:02:34):

I like it :-D

Unknown author (2022-12-16 03:00:03):

I honestly think this is the best cursor

Unknown author (2023-03-13 20:24:11):

I fcked my shit:)

Unknown author (2023-04-25 11:26:31):


Unknown author (2023-09-13 03:33:25):

yesssir yesssir yesssir

Unknown author (2023-11-02 13:36:25):

animate it

Unknown author (2024-01-06 05:52:40):


Unknown author (2024-02-27 20:01:18):

idk how to put it on khddjh

Unknown author (2024-05-23 16:57:49):

it go vroom

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