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Unknown author (2017-04-13 13:22:56):

awsome :-( :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-04-14 20:19:11):

Thanks you so much!! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Shidou (2017-06-13 10:43:50 / 5 stars):

No one ever rated this one XD, cmon is Nutella .
I alway like to ate them, and you make them cute XD

Unknown author (2017-06-14 10:52:03):

:-D I love it lol

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-06-19 06:58:37):

Thanks you so much!! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Thanks you so much!! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-07-07 21:06:51):

you're so hot and these cursors are amazing

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-07-08 09:03:35):

Thanks you so much!! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2018-06-28 05:46:05):

i'm a huge fan of your work

Unknown author (2018-11-21 11:01:57):


ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2018-11-23 09:44:33):

Thanks you so much!! icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2019-04-14 00:02:12):

wow that talk you guys had :-o

Unknown author (2019-05-22 09:18:58):

I was like getting some cursors for my new laptop and then i realised i almost downloaded every cursor you made! Keep up the great work! P.S Why dont i get nutella when its unavailable ;C

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-05-23 02:33:22):

icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image
Thanks you <3

Unknown author (2020-06-17 11:18:24):

I love your work its the best :-D :-D :-D

do stranger things pls :-( :-(

Unknown author (2020-07-04 08:48:13):

i dont know how to get it in my file things XD

Unknown author (2020-12-31 01:30:40):



Unknown author (2021-02-13 05:05:07):

Hey there, I was wondering if you could do another Nutella one but with the spoon scooping Nutella out of the jar! I think it would be really cute :> :-D

Unknown author (2021-04-23 15:27:53):

that look yummy

Unknown author (2021-06-10 08:37:48):

hi I really like the way you made the Nutella it is so cute hoping for a response PS I HAVE all you cursors they are so cute I us all of them but I US this one the most

Unknown author (2021-08-18 16:57:44):

This makes me hungry

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-08-20 01:19:04):

Thank you very much. Muchas Gracias icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-07 03:38:22):

:-D it good

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-09-07 10:08:14):

tysm :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-07 22:49:04):


Unknown author (2022-01-24 03:02:04):


Unknown author (2022-02-04 20:11:14):

very cute!! :-D

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-02-04 21:48:11):

TYSM icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-03-06 03:35:10):

wow this is amazing how did you do that?! :-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2022-05-05 14:52:42):

so cute

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-05 18:31:31):

tysm icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-10-17 17:34:45):

beautiful :-D :-D :-D

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-10-18 02:38:02):

tysm icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

ChocoMina (2023-04-13 06:38:52 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2023-05-08 13:48:37):

:-D :-D :-)

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-05-08 22:04:59):

tysm icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24825-16x16x32.png image

eunZM (2024-12-20 00:28:51 / 5 stars):


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