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Benderbee (2017-02-19 15:38:46 / 4.5 stars):

Not bad cursors! Are these made up pokemon? I'm asking because the tags say Pink, Orange, Fantasy, Pokemon :-)

HusenPo (2017-02-19 16:34:56):

oh, i'm sorry
I guess it was digimon, then I click :-D :-D

Unknown author (2017-02-20 13:18:06):

That's cool

Benderbee (2017-02-20 16:07:29):

Okay, you asked me for more stars, so here you go.
+0.5 stars ;-)

HusenPo (2017-02-21 13:12:55):

Reason well smart kid, before they come to judgment inappropriate ;-)

Benderbee (2017-02-21 18:31:40):

Please do not say anything rude to me. It may hurt my feelings. While it is true that I am young, you shouldn't be someone mean on this site. I may not be wise, but that is not a reason why you should be picking on me. You are not going to use brute force to get me to rate five stars. You can't force anyone to give five stars. And they are most likely not going to judge me as inappropriate, because I haven't done anything rude. I would advise you should probably try and be nicer to someone, especially if they are younger than 13 (I'm 11 personally), or you stop talking to me and completely forget about it. :-(

Benderbee (2017-02-21 21:43:20):

If you want an Indonesian version:
Jangan mengatakan apa-apa kasar kepada saya. Ini mungkin menyakiti perasaan saya. Meskipun benar bahwa saya masih muda, Anda tidak harus seseorang berarti di situs ini. Saya mungkin tidak bijaksana, tapi itu bukan alasan mengapa Anda harus memilih pada saya. Anda tidak akan menggunakan kekerasan untuk mendapatkan saya untuk menilai lima bintang. Anda tidak bisa memaksa siapa pun untuk memberikan lima bintang. Dan mereka kemungkinan besar tidak akan menilai saya sebagai tidak patut, karena saya tidak melakukan apa-apa kasar. Saya akan menyarankan Anda mungkin harus mencoba dan lebih baik kepada seseorang, terutama jika mereka lebih muda dari 13 (saya 11 pribadi), atau Anda berhenti berbicara kepada saya dan benar-benar lupa tentang hal itu. :-(

Censor_Not (2017-02-22 09:51:32 / 3 stars):

Very nice! I would like to know what software you use for these cursors. Thanks! :-)

HusenPo (2017-02-22 15:06:35):

I learned this from the applications we're talking about, not far from here you can download it >>> http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-maker
the rest of your imagination 8-)


too much talk hahaha, I talked about how you give, not a problem I would ask that the full star (I never asked for a 5 star, please understand young people who are still in school)
I admit my mistake to wear a tag that did not match, and I've fixed, reasonable I ask you to reassess ;-)

nibbler (2017-02-22 16:26:08 / 5 stars):

Really cool animations there! I like the Bonus Precision best.
icon-image/14704-64x64x32.png image

HusenPo (2017-02-22 16:41:46):


thanks very much :-D
precision is my idea, but after making the link, my ambition is to make it look more cool than others :-D

Censor_Not (2017-03-06 08:42:20):


Goodbye (2017-07-11 00:49:43 / 4 stars):

:-) :-) :-) :-) 4 out of 5 smile.
(copy with anonymous)


Goodbye (2017-08-17 18:44:16):

oops i put 5 star, i will put 4 star

there we go

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2018-04-13 09:50:41 / 4 stars):


adrenochromedream (2018-07-05 07:38:27 / 5 stars):

nice icon-image/7503-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7503-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7503-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2019-03-01 19:17:11):


snickerdoodle (2019-10-31 18:02:56 / 5 stars):

omg these are so so so so so so so so cute

adrenochromedream (2020-01-04 01:58:43):

icon-image/17130-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17296-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17130-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2020-04-11 04:10:04):

I haven't been able to find heavily animated Digimon cursors with this much personality elsewhere on the web as of yet. You're one of few; thank you for all of your hard work!

Oh, I forgot to add;

The maracas make life worth living. I don't know where you got the idea, but I'm glad you did.

SlizzyG (2021-03-10 13:30:33 / 5 stars):

These are some really nice cursors! I love the animations, and it really is cute. 5 stars

Unknown author (2022-09-26 11:15:07):

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2024-05-22 08:25:30):


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