matthewk.exe (2017-03-13 18:14:11 / 5 stars):
best cursors ever! Unknown author (2017-03-13 18:41:34):
5 out of 5 awsome Censor_Not (2017-03-13 23:51:23 / 5 stars):
Awesome! I wish I'd thought of this! Unknown author (2017-03-13 23:58:00):
Gurl or Man this is the best and most entertaining cursor and pointers I have ever seen out of this entire website. Seriously thank you for your hard work and dedication to this, thank you. Unknown author (2017-03-17 09:56:37):
Using it! 10 out of 10 Unknown author (2017-03-17 17:29:57):
S w e e t . Unknown author (2017-03-20 02:50:05):
I rate 100 out of 200 THIS IS SHIT Sorry, son touching keyboard šđćžćččćšđž (2017-04-03 21:03:32 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2018-02-05 13:52:04):
It is spelled "awesome" highmystica (2018-10-14 10:36:31 / 5 stars):
Brilliant Idea! These are great. snickerdoodle (2019-11-11 22:07:49 / 3.5 stars):
these are great but some hot spots are off if you could fix that maybe MintPepper (2019-11-11 22:40:26):
I don't see any problems on hotspots? :/ Joel Park (2021-02-23 14:41:15 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2023-05-04 01:41:32):
i am using it right now as we speak NedInYaHead (2023-08-02 18:24:10 / 5 stars):
These are great! Love the idea of the mouse cursor being a "swiss army knife" that can do loads of different things, it's really fun. The only point of feedback I have is to make precision select wider so you can clearly see between the spokes, even if this means covering the corner with the handle, a bit like your Text Select cursor. Overall though - A* concept with great execution. |