sixλxis (2009-11-07 19:14:51 / 3.5 stars):
Now THIS is much better than your last set! 7/10 stegarex (2009-11-07 20:35:33):
Thanks! iatethesky (2010-03-20 01:04:03):
These are REALLY cool - except the blue ones are the only ones with the cool water effect. I am also putting in a request for you to make a cursor scheme out of this - PM me if you do. Unknown author (2011-10-22 22:33:42):
thanks' Matias0211 (2012-03-23 14:50:58 / 4 stars):
Muy buenos!!, el azul es el único que toma ese efecto de luz, el resto son planos, quizá deberías modificar eso, o en sí agregar a la lista, esos mismos colores pero con esa luz al lo ultimo. Pero me gustan Unknown author (2012-10-21 01:48:00):
hola soy anonymous ejejejejejej!!!ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeahhhhhhh Unknown author (2018-12-28 14:45:46):
i like it Unknown author (2019-03-14 00:23:57):
just needs a clicker... Unknown author (2020-06-12 17:27:02):
I don't like it. Unknown author (2020-07-20 20:05:10):
Unknown author (2021-03-07 12:50:21):
NICE Unknown author (2021-04-05 08:26:52):
coool Unknown author (2021-04-13 04:13:53):
Nice.. Thanks Unknown author (2021-04-14 18:56:40):
foda vai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Unknown author (2021-04-29 09:16:57):
this is a virus Unknown author (2021-04-29 18:08:10):
no Unknown author (2021-05-03 11:02:36):
31 Unknown author (2021-05-05 18:36:26):
Eai Unknown author (2021-06-01 09:00:04):
:-(i dont like it boooooooooo Unknown author (2021-06-22 20:34:08):
Unknown author (2021-07-31 22:54:50):
-_- Unknown author (2021-10-05 18:45:53):
awsome Unknown author (2021-10-30 23:18:42):
um you can't even use the cursors but just if you could "save as" them... Diamond (2021-11-05 15:31:09 / 3.5 stars):
I like them but I think I only like the shadow effect and the colors on the cursors. the reason why is because there are no other roles than normal. Unknown author (2021-11-12 11:56:54):
poderia ter mais opções tipo a mão pra clicar Unknown author (2022-05-16 17:20:57):
i like it Unknown author (2022-08-22 00:17:27):
i like it Unknown author (2022-11-11 20:35:49):
Awesome Unknown author (2023-05-20 13:50:57):
Unknown author (2023-06-23 02:48:42):
piuygfgyuy gny fghg thgt h ht t t h t fhfthth h tf tft |